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Main Ethiopian Rift fieldtrip

Sunday 8th January to Tuesdsay 10th January 2012

The Main Ethiopian Rift fieldtrip is a chance to visit the rift valley to the south and east of Addis Ababa. We will look at the overall geometry of the rift, the major rift-forming structures, features of the active axial spreading zone and finish with visits to some of the archaeological sites the region is famous for.

Fissue near Fentale volcano

A fissure associated with the Fentale volcano (in background)

Cost: £300 per person including accommodation in Addis Ababa for the night of Saturday 7th January.

Day 1: Addis Ababa – Bujajira – Ziway – Awassa

From Addis the trip sets out south east across the western margin of the Main Ethiopian Rift to the Debre Zeit Silti volcano tectonic zone. After this we visit the historic sites of Tiya and Melka Kunture. Tiya is a world heritage site with carved stone pillars erected between the tenth and fifteenth centuries and Melka Kunture is a Palaeolithic site in Upper Awash, then on to Awassa stopping to study the marginal faults and volcanic centres along the way. Overnight in Awassa.

Day 2: Awassa – Lake Langano – Nazareth

We continue from Awassa along the eastern margin of the rift valley, visiting the Wonji Fault belt with its horst and graben structures. Lunch is at Lake Langano, known for its wildlife including baboons, monkeys and warthogs. Overnight in Nazareth.

Day 3: Nazareth – Metehara – Sodore – Addis Ababa

We depart Nazareth and travel through the northern part of the Main Ethiopian Rift to the faults, fissures and volcanic deposits at Metahara-Fentale, then on to the resort of Sodore for a hot bath in the natural springs before returning to Addis. Overnight in Addis.

Fieldtrip expectation statement It is very important to read this before booking a place on the fieldtrip. It includes information, not only on what to expect, but on health, safety and insurance issues/requirements.

Itinerary map for fieldtrip

This is an outline of the planned route for the fieldtrip. Whilst we will endeavour to keep to this itinerary it is possible details may need to change. The exact itinerary will be finalized nearer the departure date.