Welcome to the Peatland Condition Assessment support tool!

In Scotland, people have been living in close proximity to peatlands for centuries. Peatlands, which are also known as bogs, quags or mires, are an integral part of typical Scottish landscapes that have been transformed over time.

The Peatland Action programme administered by Scottish Natural Heritage aims at improving the condition of peatlands in order to enhance and safeguard the multiple benefits that peatlands provide. The programme creates new opportunities in terms of grants being available for land managers interested in improving the condition of peat areas on their land through restoration.

Land managers who are interested in applying for Peatland Action grants, or simply wish to know more about the condition of peatlands on their land, are encouraged to go through this online tool. The tool will provide you with some background information to assess the condition of peatlands, and provides a general and brief introduction to and the benefits associated with improving peatland condition in Scotland.

At the end of the tool, which will take about 10-15 minutes to go through, you will find a link to the Peatland Condition Assessment and how to apply for financial support from the Peatland Action programme. You will also have the opportunity to provide us with further feedback on the tool and your views on peatland restoration.

The tool has been created by researchers of Scotland's Rural College (SRUC), The James Hutton Institute and the University of Leeds to support Scottish Natural Heritage's Peatland Action programme. It has been developed using available scientific information and expert opinion gathered from a series of scientific workshops.

The descriptions and drawings shown in this learning module are open access under the Creative Commons License and can be used without charge by anyone. For that, follow the links and instructions provided at the end.


This work has been funded by the Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme (2016 – 2021) and water@leeds, the interdisciplinary water research centre of the University of Leeds; and is supported by Scottish Natural Heritage.

If you use any of the information or images shown here, please refer to this work in the following way:

Glenk, K., Martin-Ortega, J., Byg, A. (2017). Online Condition Assessment Support Tool. Peatland Action, Scottish Natural Heritage.
