Earth and Environment Blog
Category: Events
The Environmental Studies Academy Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th January 2017
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Environmental Studies Academy 2015
Teachers and pupils from local schools were invited to access inspiring science sessions involving leading scientists and equipment within SEE that focused on key areas of the Environmental Studies AS/A2-level curriculum. Read more
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RGS-IBG 2014
The University of Leeds’ presence at this years’ conference was strong. Both staff and research students were heavily involved in convening and contributing to sessions. Academics from the Institute for Transport Studies, from the school of Geography and from the Sustainability Research Institute (SRI) in particular were there in force. Leeds representatives convened a number of sessions with SRI staff hosting two full afternoons dedicated to:
The co-production of norms in the extractive industries and the governance of ‘resource frontiers’
Awkward space(s) and institutions of climate change: governing adaptation in the Anthropocene Read more
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Saltaire Festival Science Fair
The Saltaire Festival is an annual celebration of music and art run by volunteers, but this year it wasn’t just art on show – Kirsty Pringle (SEE) and Tay-Yibah Aziz (STEM Public Engagement Intern) decided to inject a bit of science into the event by running a successful science fair. Read more
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SRI goes to Iceland
Over 400 people from around the world attended the recent International Society for Ecological Economics Conference (ISEE 2014), held this year at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, Iceland, from 12-15 August 2014. Eight of us from the Sustainability Research Institute (SRI) made the trip, the largest attendance of any UK Institute, and one of the largest overall, which shows how far SRI has come in 10 years. Read more
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Weather Workshop – University of Leeds Festival of Science – by Lindsay Bennett
On 2nd and 3rd April, Lindsay Bennett (NCAS, SEE), Victoria Smith (NCAS, SEE) and Matt Amison (PhD student, SEE) ran an interactive “Weather Workshop” for high school students for the Leeds Festival of Science. The two-hour sessions used fun demonstrations to show how clouds form and how different instruments are used to observe the weather. As the students came in they were each given a piece of a jigsaw and asked to find which cloud picture it belonged to, which set them up in their groups for the rest of the session. They then had to figure out the names of the clouds using a guide. The students were asked to think about the different types of careers a meteorologist might have and the variety of organizations they could work in, some of which came as quite a surprise, e.g. Formula 1. After revealing the names of the clouds and showing some videos of extreme weather to highlight the importance of understanding how cumulonimbus clouds form, the fun demos began. Read more