Earth and Environment Blog
Category: Research Trip

Tanzania – My first time in Africa
A few months ago Nico Favretto sent Lindsay Stringer and I an email announcing a conference on the green economy in the South, for July 2014 in Dodoma, Tanzania. “We should apply for this!” he wrote. It was an excellent opportunity to present our work on Brazil’s ethanol diplomacy in Africa so we submitted an abstract, which was accepted, and then had to tackle the question of who should go? Lindsay and Nico had other work commitments, luckily for me. It would be my first visit to Africa and I was very much looking forward to it. It would also be the first time I had to apply for a visa. A trip to remember undoubtedly… Read more
This entry was posted in Conference, Research Trip.

Sharing a field research experience from Botswana’s drylands
Almost a year has passed since I joined an exciting research project aimed at finding ways to fight land degradation in Southern Africa ( While both scientists and the media have widely stressed how vulnerable people are to environmental change, and how important fighting land degradation is to sustain the livelihoods of the poorest dryland communities, I have always wondered what a researcher like me could do to stimulate a positive change. Read more
This entry was posted in Research Trip.

A new view of our dynamic planet – why today’s Sentinel-1 launch is so important
This entry was posted in Research Trip.

Forests, fruit and fisherfolk in North Brazil’s Amazon Delta
This blog reports on our visit to Brazil, which was supported through the University’s Fund for International Research Collaborations (FIRC). The main purpose of the trip was to consolidate research links with the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and to jointly scope out possible study communities that we can work with in the development of a multi-stakeholder, multi-continent research proposal. The proposal links our work on coastal livelihoods, ecosystem services, institutions and governance in Asia, Africa and South America. It will be the first study of its kind to look across multiple continents. We hope you enjoy reading about our time in the Amazon Delta! Read more
This entry was posted in Research Trip.