School of Earth and Environment

Earth and Environment Blog


SEE hosts four successful Environmental Studies Academies in 2017

Linking Schools with the University of Leeds to deliver Environmental Science; the ES Academy is a fantastic outreach opportunity for sixth form schools & colleges to learn about the natural environmental and access scientific sessions relating to their AS/A2 Curriculum.

Photos taken above are of sessions and fieldwork taken on the ES Academy days.

The first of the events was held on 11th & 12th January and the second on 5th & 6th July 2017. Two extra days were run back to back due to popularity with schools.

Students had the opportunity to learn hands-on in our school laboratories, experience fieldwork and lecture style talks in two areas of environmental science.

The first sessions were held on 11th & 12th January 2017 and students investigated attributes of soils including; colour, pH, texture, soil moisture and organic matter with Dr Phill Murphy.

All students and teachers had the opportunity to experience lectures given by environmental scientists in SEE such as Matthew Grimshaw and Dr Wolfgang Buermann talking about the interesting science they are exploring and what it is like to be an environmental scientist while highlighting Environmental Science course opportunities within SEE (SEE Level 8 Seminar Rooms).

While the second area focused on invertebrates and understanding the effects of pollution on populations with Jane-Marie Stocks.  Both sessions used real samples collected in the field over the previous months.  The day was focused on key areas of the Environmental Studies A2-level curriculum but students came with diverse scientific backgrounds, including geography and biology.

The second of the sessions took place on 5th & 6th July 2017; Students participated in fieldwork and collected their own water/soil samples at Tributary of Ringshaw Beck Drighlington, with Dr Colin Pitts, Adele Dixon, John Kirk, Mae Leong, Prodeo Agbotui and Richard Johnson in the morning.

Students then investigated live soil samples in the afternoon by analysing invertebrates using scientific equipment with SEE demonstrators Jane-Marie Stocks, Dr Colin Pitts, Mae Leong and Prodeo Agbotui and in the SEE Level 7 Teaching Laboratories.

Ambassadors Adele Dixon (Student Education Service Officer), Evie Cookson, George Crompton and Richard Johnson (SoEE UG Environmental Science Students), were on hand to assist in the academy days and make the students feel welcome while talking about their experience of the Environmental Science programme studies at Leeds.

We received lots of positive feedback from school students and teachers who attended the academies, and the students said that they feel more positive about University and would consider Leeds as their choice of study.

As the co-ordinator, I found the events to be really inspirational and I am extremely grateful to be involved in planning, coordinating and attending such an important and exhilarating event for SEE and the external schools involved.

There will be future ES Academy dates held in January and July 2018. Further details will be announced shortly on the ES Academy can be found here.

By Cara Healy (ES Academy Manager)

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