School of Earth and Environment

- Director of PGR Studies: Dr Ian Burke
- Deputy Directors of PGR Studies:
- Dr Milena Buchs (specializing in SRI)
- Dr Fiona Gill (specializing in well-being)
- Dr Lauren Gregoire (specializing in modelling and computer science)
- PGR on-programme administrator: Mrs Michelle Lesnianski
- PGR Faculty Admissions: Dr Claudia Rogers and Matthew Armstrong
- Graduate School Office: Room 9.27, Level 9, Priestley Building
PGR Support Team Weekly Drop-ins
PGR Support and Wellbeing: Sources of Support
PGR Representatives:
- ICAS: Josh Hampton, Rachel Sansom
- ESSI: Andy Mair
- IGT: James Ward and Edna Dualeh
- SRI: Ruth Smith and Catherine Graves
- IAG: Daniel Tek and Emma Pearce
Leeds Doctoral College
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