School of Earth and Environment

Policy & Guidelines
School, Faculty, and University
- Faculty Protocol
- Faculty PGR supervision number guideline
- Faculty PGR Recruitment and Admissions Strategy
- School Transfer Guidelines for Staff and Postgraduate Researchers
- School List of Transfer Chairs
- University Transfer Guidelines
- University Supervisors Guide
- University Research data management policy
- University - Disabilities - Reasonable Adjustments in vivas
- University Unsatisfactory Academic Progress Procedure
- University procedures for investigating cases of plagiarism by PGRs (effective April 2017)
- University Code of Practice for PGRs Engaged in Teaching (effective from 01 September 2014)
- School PGR Workspace/Accommodation Policy
- Miscellaneous Postgraduate Research (MPR) Visitors
- Alternative Thesis Format:
Faculty of Environment Protocol
Guidelines for PhDs, Supervisors, and Examiners
Presentation by Director of Postgraduate Research Studies
Examples - List of Candidates who have been awarded
- Standard vs AF thesis
Suspensions / Extensions / Authorized Absences
If you are considering any of the above, please talk to the School PGR Administrator as soon as possible to discuss your circumstances and options. The following document may assist with that discussion:
- Policy document on suspensions/extensions
- Application form for suspension/extension
- FAQ for Suspensions/Extensions/Authorized Absences
Dignity and Mutual Respect
Appeals and complaints
You should make use of the University Complaints Procedure if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your supervision or facilities available for research. In the first instance, you are encouraged to consult your supervisor or the Postgraduate Research Tutor and, after the outcome of that consultation, to make use of the University Complaints Procedure, where appropriate.
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