School of Earth and Environment

Useful Links for Supervisors
Useful Links for PGRs
- Academic Appeals
- Attendance Monitoring
- British Council opportunities
- Careers Centre
- Careers - Starting a business
- Disabilities - Accessing Support
- Disabilities - Disclosure and reasonable adjustments
- English Language support
- Ethics
- Examinations: Thesis submission, Guidelines, Referral and resubmission, alternative format thesis
- Feeling at Home in Leeds Guides
- Fees and Finance
- Finance and Purchasing
- Funding: ResearchResearch
- GRAD and GRAD FAQ and GRAD training module
- Hardship Fund - for international PGRs
- Health and Safety
- Insurance
- International Office
- International Leeds Hardship Fund
- Key Travel: Guidance for PGRs, Mobile App, Trip Holder, Reason for Travel
- Leeds Doctoral College
- Leeds Doctoral College (Minerva) - pre- and post-Transfer online modules
- Letter requests/University, eg, council tax, registration status
- NERC Studentship Terms & Conditions
- Networking tool
- ORCID: Connecting Research and Researchers
- ORCID: Leeds guidance and registration
- Postgraduate Development Record (PDR)
- Doctoral College Operations
- Printing Registration/School
- Publishing - Open Access Guidelines and UoL Library OA link
- Publishing/Symplectic - 3 minute video
- Publishing your thesis
- Registration: Instructions, Student Portal
- Research Ethics Framework
- Research data management policy
- Research Integrity and Misconduct
- Scholarship Information
- Seminars and events
- Societies: Faculty, LUU Postgraduate Society
- Student Services - Ziff Counter Services
- Support and Wellbeing: Contacts Reference
- Thesis White Rose Repository (from 2009)
- Thesis White Rose Repository: Alternative Format Theses
- Thesis writing: inclusion of solely or jointly authored publication within a thesis
- VIRE (ESRC WR DTP Virtual Interdisciplinary Research Environment)
- Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
- Web Page Editing
- Welcome to Leeds
Products available on-line
Certain items are now available to purchase on-line. Examples are: replacement degree certificates (£30); certified copies of degree certificates (£3 for a set of 3); award statements (available free of charge to former students for 3 months after they have appeared on the Pass List - after that deadline it will be £5 for the first copy and £3 per additional copy ordered at the same time as the first copy). The web address for the Store is
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