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The condition assessment support tool is now finished. We hope that you have found it useful.

If you would like to know more about SNH's Condition Assessment itself, please click here.

We would really like to hear your opinion about the information that you have been provided. Your anonymized feedback will be used by the research team to inform Scottish Natural Heritage and the Scottish Government on public’s opinion about peatlands and peatland restoration.

If you would like to fill in the feedback form, please click here (it will take you no more than 10 minutes).

The information and images shown in this learning module are open access under the Creative Commons License, unless otherwise stated, and can be used without charge by anyone. To get them, please click here.

If you use any of the information or images shown here, please refer to this work in the following way:

Glenk, K, Martin-Ortega, J., & Byg, A. (2017). Online Condition Assessment Support Tool. Peatland Action, Scottish Natural Heritage.

For information on the background research presented here or on this survey, you can contact For information about peatland restoration in Scotland, you can contact