School of Earth and Environment



Investigators: Prof Martyn Chipperfield (PI), Dr Nigel Richards, Richard Pope 

Start Date: April 2008
End Date: Mar 2013

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NCEO is a multi-disciplinary, distributed centre funded by NERC. It is NERC's leading centre for the use of data from Earth observation satellites to monitor global and regional changes in the environment and to develop a detailed understanding of the Earth system so that we might predict future environmental conditions.NCEO is based around 7 Science Themes (see NCEO website for details). Within ICAS we are co-leading Theme 3: Atmospheric Composition' (PIs Dr Brian Kerridge (RAL) and Martyn Chipperfield ( Leeds )). The School, through IGT, is also involved in Theme 6: Dynamic Earth and Geo-Hazards'.Our atmospheric NCEO research relates specifically to the use of satellite composition data to understand chemical and transport processes in the troposphere. The initial focus is on organic species in the UT. Our NCEO involvement also promotes the use of satellite data throughout our research in stratospheric/tropospheric chemistry.



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