Emergency procedures
First aider
The first aiders for level 9 are:
- Andy Connelly; Room 9.133a; Ext. 30166
- Fiona Keay; Room 9.128; Ext. 35225
- Ian Burke; Room 9.150; Ext. 37532
There is a first aid kit on the wall outside 9.133. If the first aider is not available then contact the following.
- Reception (office hours) 32846
- Security (out of hours) 35494
- Emergency 32222
Eye wash
Eyewash hoses are located next to every sink.
If you need to use the eye wash, call for help. Wash the affected eye in away from the other eye so the chemical is not transferred from one eye to the other.
Do not stack glassware or other equipment around the eyewash as access to the eyewash must be kept clear at all times.
If you can avoid wearing contact lenses please do so as they make effectively washing out your eyes more difficult. If you do have wear them, make sure they are removed after an accident.
Fire warden
The Fire Warden for Level 9 is: Andy Connelly; Room 9.133; Ext. 30166.
Fire evacuation routes:
From the Stores (9.132) end of the corridor, go downstairs and turn right. The exit is straight ahead.
From the Radiochemistry lab (9.129) end of the corridor; exit through main lab doors, go downstairs, and the exit is past the TIMS lab.
All magnetic doors will unlock when fire alarm goes off.
Fire alarm call points
Call points are located;
- On the pillar outside 9.132 at the top of stairs.
- Opposite 9.129, by the main corridor doors.
Setting off the alarm is the first priority in the event of a fire. This is in line with University fire safety policy.
Fire extinguishers
Foam and CO2 extinguishers are available at both ends of corridor.
Only use the extinguisher if you are confident to do so and know which type to use. CO2 for electrical and foam for flammable materials.
If an alarm sounds, either in the lab you are in or another one, DO NOT ignore it; report it to the technicians or the staff identified on door. DO NOT attempt to deal with it yourself.
Emergency shut-down procedures
In the event of a fire or other emergency, make your work area safe by;
- Closing all containers and reagent bottles etc.
- Turn off hotplates and other items of equipment.
- Close the sash on fume cupboards.
- Turn the natural gas off using the large red button near the door.
If in doubt - get help!
What to do if you spill something
If you cause a spill it is your responsibility to ensure it is cleaned up. However, only tackle spills if you are comfortable doing so and have had the appropriate training. Spill kits are available in Stores (9.132) and at the end of the L9 corridor. MSDSs for all chemicals present in the labs should be stored in Stores (9.132).
In the event of a chemical spill:
- Instruct others to keep at a safe distance, well away from the spillage area
- Decide if you are trained, knowledgeable, and equipped to handle the incident. Never proceed to clean up a spill if you do not know the hazards associated with the chemical or if you are unsure of how to clean up the spill.
- If anyone is injured or contaminated, immediately notify one of the emergency contacts and, if trained, begin decontamination measures or first aid.
- Consider evacuation of building if spillage is serious (use fire alarm for this purpose).

Written by Andy Connelly (2/9/2016)
Last updated by Andy Connelly (12/10/2016)