From an environmental to a resource regime? Institutional innovation for the management of Tourism and Marine Protected Areas within the Antarctic Treaty governance

What is POLARGOV about?
The Antarctica Treaty presents one of the most intriguing environmental regimes to international relations: its institutionalisation has intensified as much as the Treaty has been able to keep controversy away from its governance. The current arrangement postpones, outsources or builds an ambiguous guidance towards any subject which might undermine its consensual foundation. But are these solutions able to keep the Antarctic Treaty's resilience as a regime? Antarctic history shows that expectations towards resource activities within the region has triggered challenges to this framework. Nevertheless, Antarctic Tourism and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Southern Ocean are current activities respectively outsourced and avoided by the Treaty, despite of their direct impact on the Antarctic Treaty operation. Therefore, this project aims to contribute towards the Antarctic Treaty governance, proposing institutional innovations which would support the Treaty to manage complex, multilevel and controversial activities.
How are we going to do it?
i. Antarctic Tourism and MPAs stakeholders have been interviewed, and their perceptions on the current governance framework are being collected to be further analysed;
ii. Based on stakeholders' assessment, proposals for governance maintenance or for institutional innovation, will be developed and presented to these actors for discussion;
iii. Research results will be published as academic articles, and policy papers.
Who is part of POLARGOV?
Researcher: Dr. Daniela Portella Sampaio
Supervisor: Prof. James Van Alstine
How long is POLARGOV?
This is a two-year long project, which has started in September 2017, terminating in September 2019.
How is POLARGOV funded?
POLARGOV is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual European Fellowship and it is part of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.
What do we expect to achieve?
POLARGOV expects to directly contribute for the Antarctic Treaty’s resilience as a regime, to increase public awareness on Antarctic matters through open access information and engaging outreach strategies, and to develop a European perspective on Antarctic politics.
Main activities
Publications, work presentations, and events are the main activities proposed by POLARGOV to disseminate its progress and results.
Presentations and talks
27th February 2019 - From an environment to a resource regime? Tourism and Marine Protected Areas within the Antarctic Treaty Governance. SRI Seminars, School of Earth Environment, University of Leeds https://environment.leeds.ac.uk/see/events/event/200/sri-external-seminar
27th September 2018 - Governance in the Southern Ocean. Lightning Talks at Confluence 2018 water(at)leeds
18th September 2018 - Sovereignty and Territoriality in Antarctica: constituting authority through environmental protection. IRI Seminar. International Relations Institute. Universidade de São Paulo
27th July 2018 - Scientific Research and Environment Protection: Sovereignty and territoriality translated into Antarctic Practices. International Political Science Association - 25th World Congress of Political Science, RC15.10 Political and Cultural Geography - Territory, Sovereignty, and Political Identity
19th June 2018 - A Regional International Society? The exception of Antarctica. XXXV Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Biennial Meetings: Where the Poles come together, SH-1 - Environmental Protection, Resource Rights, and Evolving Geopolitics in Antarctica
6th April 2018 – Mechanics and diplomatic culture in the Antarctic Treaty governance. International Studies Association 59th Annual Conference, FC45: Institutional and Legal Dynamics of Antarctic Governance in a Changing World;
5th April 2018 – Cold as Ice: The Estrangement of International Society’s Primary Institutions in Antarctica. International Studies Association 59th Annual Conference, TC69: Processes in the Creation of Regional Identities
13th December 2017 – Antarctic Governance: Marine Protected Areas and Tourism. Social and Political Dimensions of Sustainability (SPDS), Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds
Keynote Presentation at the International Workshop Proactive Management of Antarctic Tourism: Time for a fresh approach. Day 2 - Managing Tourism Diversity. Rotterdam, Netherlands. 4th April 2019
HEON Outreach activity with Thomas Knyvett College. International and Antarctic Politics Workshop. Royal Holloway, University of London. 6th December 2018
Polar Governance Workshop 2018. Polar Governance in Action: balancing multiple interests and values in the management of Arctic and Antarctic Tourism. 24th April, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG).
Please follow us on twitter: @polargov
42nd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Prague
Polar Governance Workshop Newsletter

HEON Outreach Workshop - Can we reach consensus on the Southern Ocean?

On the 6th December, HEON Partnership organised a visiting day to Thomas Knyvett College in Royal Holloway, University of London. For Politics and International Relations, POLARGOV organised a session where students experienced the challenges of international negotiations. Marine Protected Areas and fishing authorisations were negotiated between students, who followed their national instructions from the respective countries they represented. The prize for reaching consensus: chocolates! And yes, they have got it!
Seminar at the International Relations Institute (USP)

On the 18th September, the International Relations Institute from University of Sao Paulo invited POLARGOV to present the project to undergraduate, postgraduate and researchers. The talk focused on the governance of the Antarctic Treaty and on how environmental practices have provided an alternative avenue for authority deployment in the region.