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Conference Booking Conditions

1. What is this document?

These Conditions contain all of the terms and conditions relating to your booking on the Conference. It is the contract between you and the University of Leeds ("University").

2. The Conference

The Conference is planned to consist of four activities. These are the main three day conference at the Ararat Hotel(, P.O. Box 155, Addis Ababa (the "main conference") together with three further optional field trips. Dates, and the most up to date itineraries and further important information on each activity can be found at each activity's webpage Rift Valley fieldtrip, Mountains, Margin and Rift Valley fieldtrip and Afar and Erta Ale fieldtrip).

3. How to book

3. How to book In order to secure a place on any of the Conference activities you must, by 13th November, 2011 make a secure booking via the University of Leeds payment system. To use this, you will need to register with the system, select the conference package you require, select the field trips that you wish to go on, and complete a questionnaire with some additional details about your booking. The booking is accepted when you receive a confirmation e-mail following cleared payment. While registering for the main conference will be possible from 14th November to 9th December (with a late booking surcharge), the availability of accommodation may be limited. From 10th to 31st December 2011, registration (with a late booking surcharge) will be possible but no accommodation will be available. The Main Ethiopian Rift fieldtrip will be open for registration, whilst places last, until 13th November. The other field trips will be closed on 1st November.

Places at the conference will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Numbers are restricted and, in the event of oversubscription, we reserve the right to close registration early.

Due to an ongoing risk assessment, the Afar and Erta Ale field trip cannot currently be booked. We hope to be able to open registration for this trip shortly. We can update you on progress if you tick the appropriate box at the end of the booking process.

4. Prices and Payment

Subject to clause 9 the price for each of the activities is as stated on each activity's webpage.

Payment must be made in full in pounds sterling at the time of booking. Payment to be made using the University of Leeds online payment system

5. Cancellation

The University may upon at least on 28 days written notice to you cancel any of the field trips. Field trips are in particular contingent upon minimum numbers of bookings. Upon cancellation payment will be refunded.

Please ensure you have the necessary insurance to cover your liabilities if the University should cancel.

If you wish to cancel your booking (with re-imbursement) you must do so by sending an e-mail to the Conference e-mail address. The e-mail must be in English and clearly state your desire to cancel your booking. Your e-mail must be received by no later than 10 days after you have received the University's e-mail being the acceptance of your booking. Save for circumstances described under clauses 9 and 6 after this date there is no right to cancellation and there will be no reimbursement of any money you have paid.

6. Changes

Whilst the University will always try to minimise any change it reserves the right without liability to change the itinerary and other aspects of the Conference activities at any time. Such change may be necessary for example due to the late cancellation of speakers, changing weather or road conditions, changing security situation, or other events outside of the University's control. No refunds will be given where changes are made.

7. Travel

You will be responsible for your own travel arrangements to the main conference.

Field trips will begin and end at the Ararat hotel. Travel whilst on the field trips will be provided by the University using local agents.

Unfortunately we cannot help with visas. You are responsible for arranging your own visas.

8. Accommodation and food

For the three days of the main conference the Ararat Hotel will be providing the accommodation. Catering arrangements are as described on the main conference website. Please be aware that the University for the main conference is just acting as the agent for the Ararat Hotel. The University is acting purely as a means of administration in passing on your booking details and money to the Ararat hotel. If you have any complaints or concerns relating to the service provided by the hotel you must take these up with the hotel. The University accepts no liability relating to the services provided by the Ararat Hotel, including its accommodation and provision of food.

For the field trips, accommodation and catering arrangements will be provided as specified on the relevant web pages.

Please be aware that only vegetarian and non-vegetarian dietary requirements can be accommodated. Please indicate your requirements on the booking form.

9. Additional charges

The University will endeavour to ensure that there are no additional charges. However the University regrettably has to reserve the right to impose additional charges where there are unplanned increases in cost e.g. increase in agents' fees due to increased fuel charges and fluctuations in currency exchange rates. The University will only impose these charges more than 30 days before the start of the main Conference. You will be informed of any additional charges. If the charges exceed more than 10 % of the booking fee so far due the University will grant you the right to cancel with reimbursement of any money paid.

10. Exclusion of Liability and Self Assessment

As already explained under clause 8 the University can accept no liability with regard to the goods or goods provided by the Ararat Hotel. In particular this means any irregularities over standards of, or non-provision of, accommodation or food will be exclusively the liability of the hotel.

The University does not seek to exclude its liability for its negligence causing death or personal injury. Otherwise, the University excludes all other liability including damage to or theft of property. Please ensure you have the necessary insurance protection.

The University accepts no liability for the conduct or statements made by other delegates or speakers attending the main conference.

The University is not aware of your own particular circumstances. It is for you to assess your suitability and level of acceptable risk bearing in mind your own particular circumstances. The University encourages dialogue on whether the environment of the Conference is appropriate for you. Please do not hesitate to contact the University through the conference e-mail address if you wish to obtain more information or discuss further any issues, in particular those surrounding health and safety. The University's risk assessment for each activity will shortly be available here.

11. Force Majeure

The University shall not be liable to perform its obligations or pay any compensation/reimbursement of monies where events outside of its control occur preventing it from performing any of its obligations. Such events include (actual or threatened), civil unrest, terrorist activities, industrial disputes, adverse weather conditions, the spread of communicable disease, volcanic activity and other natural disasters.

12. Insurance and Health

You must take out adequate insurance to cover such issues as your personal health and your personal property. You will not be accepted onto any of the field trips unless you have proof of insurance protection.

Please be aware that the field trips in particular can be physically demanding. You must read the website for each field trip giving a description of the anticipated environment and description of health services. Generally it should be assumed that healthcare support is not available.

The University reserves the right to not allow you to proceed or continue with an activity when it becomes apparent that in its opinion it is no longer safe for you to do so. You must also for your own safety and the safety of other delegates, follow the instructions of University representatives.

You must in completion of your booking form advise the University of all known disabilities and medical problems together with any medication or other medical support required. The University will then have to make an assessment as to whether, given the local environment and resources available, it is appropriate to accept your booking. We reserve the right to cancel your booking if the local environment and resources are unable to provide the support you require.

You will be responsible entirely for the provision of your own medical care and medication.

13. Conditions

Each of the activities websites includes information on the likely environment, including information on recommended equipment/clothing, weather and known risks. You must read this carefully and assess yourself whether the activity remains suitable and safe for your participation. Where recommendations are made within the information you must follow them.

The Erte Ale field trip involves long hikes on rough terrain in weather that can be extremely hot. It is therefore not suitable for those under the age of 16 and people who are not physically fit.

The final decision as to whether you are accepted on any of the field trips will be made by the field trip leaders before departure from Addis Ababa. You agree that for reasons of safety the designated field trip leaders have the right to remove you from the trip at any time.

An orientation programme will be offered as part of the Conference. You are strongly advised to participate in this programme.

14. General

If you have any concerns or complaints relating to your booking please contact the conference organiser, Dr Jacqueline Houghton, via the conference e-mail address.

The conference e-mail address is

During the Conference there will be a local helpline available. You will be advised of this helpline before the conference begins.

These Conditions contain all terms and conditions relating to your booking and may not be varied except with the written consent of the conference organiser, to be obtained through the conference e-mail address. All verbal representations are not binding and do not form part of the contractual arrangement with the University.

These Conditions remain subject to English law and the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

The address of the University of Leeds is: The University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9JT, England. VAT no. GB 613 451470.