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Main Ethiopian Rift Fieldtrip Expectation Statement

Please read the general expectation statement for the main conference. The following additional information applies specifically to this field trip.


This field trip is being organised by the local organising committee of the conference.


The field trip goes into the southern edge of the Afar region, one of the hottest places on earth. Whilst we are travelling in one of the cooler seasons, temperatures are still likely to be around 30°C and could reach 45°C ( Temperatures in the main rift valley will be a little cooler but could still easily reach the mid 30s. There is often very little natural shade. Protection from the sun and drinking plenty of water are essential. Bottled water will be provided for the duration of the trip.

It is unlikely it will rain, but if it does then the rain will be heavy so be prepared.


Accommodation will be provided in two hotels/lodges (details to be confirmed). While these are of reasonable quality, they will not be luxurious by western standards.

Food and Drink

Food will be simple Ethiopian style. There will be minimal choice, but vegetarian options will be available. Soft drinks and a plentiful supply of bottled water will be provided free of charge.


There will be some long drives associated with this fieldtrip. These will be in buses, each containing 30-40 people. We cannot guarantee there will be safety belts.

We recommend comfortable attire for travelling in warm conditions as we cannot guarantee that air conditioning will be available in the vehicles.

Physical Fitness

The field trip will involve some short hikes across rough terrain. A general level of good fitness is required.

Healthcare and illness

The field trip goes to some remote areas where you will be a long way from professional medical care. The field trip will include trained first aiders, with basic first aid skills.You could be as much as 6-8 hours from the nearest hospital in Addis Ababa. Hospitals and clinics are generally of a poor standard.

You must notify the conference organisers if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.

Malaria is present in the rift valley. Please prepare appropriately with anti-malarial medication, insect repellent, and a personal mosquito net.

You must bring a pack containing any medications that you may require. A list of recommended items for a first aid kit is given below.

You should consult with your doctor about any vaccinations that may be recommended for travel in Ethiopia.

Health and Safety

You will be given a full health and safety briefing before departure from Addis Ababa. You must attend this briefing.


Before departure from Addis Ababa we will require details of your travel insurance, including policy number and emergency contact number. You will not be permitted to travel on this field trip without adequate cover.

Packing and Kit List

Please pack everything into one small-medium size case/backpack plus one daypack. Bags containing items you do not wish to take to the field can be left securely in Addis Ababa.

Recommended kit list for this trip includes:

List of medication / personal first aid equipment recommended.
Some of these are only available by prescription in the UK.

Electrical Equipment and Communication

We cannot guarantee that you will be able to charge electrical items such as mobile phones or cameras once we depart from Addis Ababa. We recommend ensuring all your items are fully charged with spare batteries if needed.

Mobile phone coverage is fairly good near the major roads, but there will be times when the group will be out of mobile phone coverage. The group will have a satellite phone for use in emergencies on these occasions.

Assessment of Risk

The University is not aware of your own particular circumstances. It is for you to assess your suitability and level of acceptable risk bearing in mind your own particular circumstances. The University encourages dialogue on whether this activity is appropriate for you. Please do not hesitate to contact the University through the conference e-mail address if you wish to obtain more information or discuss further any issues, in particular those surrounding health and safety. The University's draft risk assessment for this activity is available here. If you are aware of any personal circumstance that may alter this assessment please let the conference organiser know.