Atmosphere Contents



This website consist of 11 units, these can be selected on the home page. Each unit is split up into sections, to navigate through the sections use the titles on the left side of the screen for example Our Environment consists of five sections Evolution, Impacts, Revolutions, Resources and Sustainability. Each section contains pages these can be selected in two ways, first by using the arrows at the top of the page or by using the numbers at the bottom of the page.

Also each page features the following.


(displayed in green text)

Gives a brief summary of the topic on each screen


(displayed in green)

Poses a question to stimulate thinking about the topic on each screen.

Glossary Terms

(displayed in blue)

These are specific terms which are explained in the glossary in more detail, by selecting one of these words you will be taken straight to the glossary.

Also available are the tools listed below these can be selected at any time.

Bulletin board
An electronic bulletin board in order to enable communication about various aspects of the course. A username and password is required to access the bulletin board. The username is on your student card and your password can be found using the mypasswd facility on the University computer system.

Contains definitions of specialist terminology used in the text.

This tool enables resources to be accessed via related web sites. Click the appropriate link to launch the web site.

Click the icon to return to the Home page

Acknowledges sources used to generate the content of this website.

Contains references used as sources and for wider reading.

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