Hydrosphere Contents



Baumgartner, A. & Reichel, E. (1975) The World Water Balance. Munich,

Craig, J. Vaughan, D. & Skinner, B. (1996) Resources of the Earth: Origin, Use and Environmental Impact. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.

Goudie, A. (1993) The Nature of the Environment: Third Edition. Oxford, Blackwell.

Finch, V. Trewartha, G. & Shearer, M. (1948) The Earth and its Resources. London, McGraw Hill.

Herschy, R. & Fairbridge, R. eds. (1998) Encyclopedia of Hydrology and Water Resources. London, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Korzoun, V. & Sokolov, A. (1978) World water balance and water resources of the earth. IN: United Nations; Water Development and Management Proceedings of the U.N. Water Conference, Mardel Plata, Argentina, March 1977. Pergamon, London. 2199-2215.

Properties of water

Craig, J. Vaughan, D. & Skinner, B. (1996) Resources of the Earth: Origin, Use and Environmental Impact. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.

Fox, C. (1951) Water: A Study of its Properties, its Constitution, its Circulation on the Earth and its Utilization by Man. London, The Technical Press Ltd.

Stumm, W. (1986) Water: An integrated ecosystem. Ambio 15 (4), 201-7.

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Water as a resource

Baumgartner, A. & Reichel, E. (1975) The world water balance : mean annual global, continental and maritime precipitation, evaporation and run-off. Amsterdam, Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co.

Clarke, R. (1991) Water: The International Crisis. London, Earthscan Publishing Ltd.

Craig, J. Vaughan, D. & Skinner, B. (1996) Resources of the Earth: Origin, Use and Environmental Impact. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2003) FAO Water Report 23: Review of world water resources by country. Rome, FAO Information Division.

Forkasiewicz, J. & Margat, J. (1980) Tableau mondial de données nationales d'économie de l'eau. Resources et Utilisations Département Hydrologéologie, Orleans, France.

Fox, C. (1951) Water: A Study of its Properties, its Constitution, its Circulation on the Earth and its Utilization by Man. London, The Technical Press Ltd.

Korzoun, V. & Sokolov, A. (1978) World water balance and water resources of the earth. In: United Nations; Water Development and Management Proceedings of the U.N. Water Conference, Mardel Plata, Argentina, March 1977. Pergamon, London. 2199-2215.

McDonald, A. & Kay, D. (1988) Water Resources: Issues and Strategies. Themes in resource management. Harlow, Longman Scientific and Technical.

Thompson, A. & Wycherley, R. (1972) The Agora of Athens : the history, shape, and uses of an ancient city center. Princeton, N.J, American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

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Craig, J. Vaughan, D. & Skinner, B. (1996) Resources of the Earth: Origin, Use and Environmental Impact. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.

Mann, K. & lazier, J. (1996) Dynamics of marine Ecosystems: Biological - Physical Interactions in the Oceans: Second Edition. London, Blackwell Science.

Open University (1977) Oceanography: Introduction to the Oceans. Milton Keynes, The Open University Press.

Sevdrup, K. Duxbury, A. Duxbury, A.C. & Duxbury, A.B. (1994) An Introduction to the World's Oceans Fourth Edition. London, McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math.

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Aquatic habitats

Barnes, R. & Hughes, R. (1999) An Introduction to Marine Ecology. London, Blackwell Science.

Birkeland, C. ed. (1997) Life and Death of Coral Reefs. London, Chapman and Hall.

Craig, J. Vaughan, D. & Skinner, B. (1996) Resources of the Earth: Origin, Use and Environmental Impact. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2002) The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2002. Rome, FAO information Division.

Greenpeace. (1997) Overfishing and Excess Fishing Capacity (Earth Summit 1997). [Internet] Available from: <www.greenpeace.org> [Accessed 7th April 2004]

Greenpeace. (1998) Bycatch and discards of unwanted fish. [internet] Available from: <www.greenpeace.org> [Accessed 7th April 2004]

Karlson , R. (1999) Dynamics of Coral Communities. London, Kluwer Academic Publishers.


Abercrombie, M. Hickman, C. & Johnson, M. eds. (1980) The Penguin Dictionary of Biology. Middlesex, Penguin Books.

Allaby, M. ed. (1994) The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Ecology. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Allaby, M. ed. (1998) A Dictionary of Plant Sciences. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Allaby, A. & Allaby, M. eds. (1990) The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Earth Sciences. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Atkins, P. (1992) The elements of physical chemistry. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Bannock, G. Baxter, R. & Rees, R. (1972) The Penguin Dictionary of Economics. Middlesex, Penguin Books.

Chambers (1994) The Chambers Dictionary. Edinburgh, Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd.

Department of the Environment. (1992) Using water wisely : a consultation paper. London, Department of the Environment [and] the Welsh Office.

Department of the Environment. (1995) Water conservation : Government action. London, Department of the Environment [and] the Welsh Office.

Gilpin, A. (1977) Dictionary of economic terms. London, Butterworth.

Lawrence, E. ed. (1995) Henderson's Dictionary of Biological Terms 11th Edition. London, Longman.

Mayhew, S. & Penny, A. (1992) The concise Oxford Dictionary of Geography. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Mayhew, S. (1997) A Dictionary of Geography. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Sharp, D. ed. (1990) The Penguin dictionary of chemistry. Middlesex, Penguin Books.

Whitten, D. & Brooks, J. (1977) The Penguin Dictionary of Geology.
Middlesex, Penguin Books.

Williams, P. (1998) Waste Treatment and Disposal. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons.

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