School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds
1.1.1 National Geophysical Data Centre, USA
1.1.2 National Geophysical Data Centre, USA
1.1.3 National Geophysical Data Centre, USA
1.2.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
1.2.2 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
1.2.3 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
1.3.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
1.3.2 David Adams
1.3.3 Nigel Horan
1.3.4 Nigel Horan
1.4.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after Lovelock, 1988
1.5.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after Lovelock, 1988
1.6.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after Lynn Margulis in Cowen 1990
1.7.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after Cowen, 1990
1.8.1 IMSI
1.8.2 IMSI
1.8.3 IMSI
1.8.4 IMSI
1.9.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
1.10.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after Cowen, 1990
1.11.1 Earth Science, Library University of Leeds
1.11.2 The National Geophysical Data Centre
1.11.3 IMSI
1.12.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after Cowen, 1990
1.13.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds
2.0.1 John Soussan
2.0.2 John Soussan
2.0.3 John Soussan
2.0.4 John Soussan
2.0.5 Chris Martin
2.0.6 Anna Cade-Smith
2.0.7 Adrian MacDonald
2.0.8 David Kay
2.0.9 Chris Martin
2.0.10 Chris Martin
2.0.11 IMSI
2.0.12 IMSI
2.0.13 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
2.1.1 IMSI
2.1.2 IMSI
2.1.3 IMSI
2.1.4 John Soussan
2.1.5 John Soussan
2.1.6 Coral Kays
2.2.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
2.3.1 IMSI
2.3.2 IMSI
2.4.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after Photochemical Oxidants Review Group , 1997
2.5.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
2.6.1 PhotoDisc, Inc
2.6.2 John Soussan
2.6.3 PhotoDisc, Inc
2.6.4 PhotoDisc, Inc
2.6.5 IMSI
2.6.6 IMSI
2.6.7 IMSI
2.7.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after Pirages and Ehrlich, 1974
2.8.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after The Earth Centre, Doncaster, 1999
2.9.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
2.10.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after Clark and Munn, 1986
2.11.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after Clark and Munn, 1986
2.12.1 John Soussan
2.12.2 Chris Martin
2.12.3 IMSI
2.12.4 Andy Barker
2.12.5 IMSI
2.12.6 IMSI
2.12.7 Doug Parker
2.12.8 Colin Pitts
2.12.9 PhotoDisc, Inc
2.12.10 PhotoDisc, Inc
2.12.11 Nigel Horan
2.12.12 PhotoDisc, Inc
School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds
3.1.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
3.2.1 Michael Bolton
3.2.2 Michael Bolton
3.2.3 Michael Bolton
3.2.4 Michael Bolton
3.2.5 IMSI
3.3.1 IMSI
3.4.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
3.5.1 PhotoDisc, Inc
3.5.2 Anna Cade-Smith
3.5.3 PhotoDisc, Inc
3.5.4 John Soussan
3.5.5 PhotoDisc, Inc
3.5.6 PhotoDisc, Inc
3.5.7 IMSI
3.6.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
3.7.1 IMSI
3.7.2 Adrian MacDonald
3.7.3 Sally Macgill
3.7.4 Sally Macgill
3.7.5 Sally Macgill
3.7.6 IMSI
3.7.7 John Soussan
3.7.8 IMSI
3.7.9 Sally Macgill
3.7.10 Chris Martin
3.7.11 Sally Macgill
3.7.12 Adrian MacDonald
3.8.1 PhotoDisc, Inc
3.8.2 Colin Pitts
3.8.3 John Bolton
3.8.4 John Bolton
3.8.5 PhotoDisc, Inc
3.8.6 IMSI
3.8.7 John Bolton
3.8.8 IMSI
3.8.9 John Dennis
3.8.10 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after Upper Irwell Regeneration Strategy 1998
3.8.11 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after Upper Irwell Regeneration Strategy 1998
4.0.1 PhotoDisc, Inc
4.0.2 PhotoDisc, Inc
4.0.3 IMSI
4.0.4 PhotoDisc, Inc
4.0.5 PhotoDisc, Inc
4.0.6 Lindsey Wade
4.0.7 IMSI
4.0.8 Integrated Approach to Crop Research
4.0.9 Colin Pitts
4.0.10 Chris Martin
4.1.1 IMSI
4.1.2 John Soussan
4.1.3 PhotoDisc, Inc
4.2.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
4.3.1 Alan Williams
4.3.2 Shell
4.3.3 Chris Martin
4.3.4 John Soussan
4.3.5 Chris Martin
4.3.6 Yorkshire Water
4.3.7 Chris Martin
4.3.1 Chris Martin
4.3.2 David Kay
4.3.3 Yorkshire Water
4.3.4 Yorkshire Water
4.3.5 Chris Martin
4.3.6 Adrian McDonald
4.3.7 Yorkshire Water
4.3.8 David Moore
4.3.1 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
4.3.2 John Soussan
4.3.3 John Soussan
4.3.4 John Soussan
4.3.5 Chris Martin
4.3.6 Chris Martin
4.3.1 Coral Kays
4.3.2 Chris Martin
4.3.3 John Soussan
4.3.4 John Soussan
4.3.5 John Soussan
4.3.6 Robert Bluffield
4.4.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
4.5.1 IMSI
4.5.2 John Soussan
4.5.3 John Bolton
4.5.4 Yorkshire Water
4.5.5 Sally Macgill
4.5.6 William Timmis
4.6.1 Earth Sciences, University of Leeds
4.6.2 Earth Sciences, University of Leeds
4.6.3 PhotoDisc, Inc
4.6.4 Kath Morris
4.7.1 IMSI
4.7.2 PhotoDisc, Inc
4.7.3 PhotoDisc, Inc
4.7.4 PhotoDisc, Inc
4.7.5 PhotoDisc, Inc
4.7.6 IMSI
4.7.7 PhotoDisc, Inc
4.7.8 PhotoDisc, Inc
4.8.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
4.9.1 IMSI
4.9.2 IMSI
4.9.3 IMSI
4.9.4 IMSI
4.9.5 Sally Macgill
4.9.6 Sally Macgill
4.10.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
4.11.1 Andy Barker
4.11.2 Andy Barker
4.11.3 Andy Barker
4.11.4 Tamara Lewis
4.11.5 John Bolton
4.12.1 PhotoDisc, Inc
5.0.0 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds and IMSI after Meadows et al 1992
5.1.1 Media Services, University of Leeds
5.1.2 John Bolton
5.1.3 Tamara Lewis
5.1.4 IMSI
5.2.1 Sally Macgill
5.2.2 Sally Macgill
5.3.1 IMSI
5.4.1 John Soussan
5.4.2 John Soussan
5.4.3 John Soussan
5.4.4 John Soussan
5.4.5 John Soussan
5.4.6 John Soussan
5.5.1 John Bolton
5.5.2 IMSI
5.5.3 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
5.5.4 Andy Barker
5.5.5 Corn Exchange, Leeds
5.5.6 John Barton
5.6.1 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
5.6.2 Yorkshire Water
5.6.3 Anna Cade-Smith
5.6.4 John Soussan
5.7.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
5.8.1 IMSI
5.9.1 Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
5.10.1 Media Services, University of Leeds
5.11.1 School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds after Eversheds and Environment Agency
5.12.1 Sally Macgill
5.12.2 John Soussan
5.12.3 John Bolton