Seefeld photos: December 2012

Seefeld villag


Seefeld, Austria

(photo courtesy of Daniela Meier)


Seefeld group walk

Christine, Cristina, Caroline, Fernando and Andrew on a snowy walk

(photo courtesy of Andrew Putnis)


Seefeld meeting room

Dina, Mia, Giulia, Diwaker and Nik hard at work!

(photo courtesy of Daniela Meier)


Seefeld meeting room 2


Cristina and Stan thinking hard!

(photo courtesy of Daniela Meier)


Seefeld skiing


Skiing during an afternoon break

(photo courtesy of Daniela Meier)


Seefeld lounge


Coffee break in the lounge

(photo courtesy of Liane Benning)


Seefeld dinner


Dinner at the restaurant

(photo courtesy of Liane Benning)




Fernando in the snow!

(photo courtesy of Andrew Putnis)


Seefeld lake


Daniela, Guilia and Finn out for a walk

(photo courtesy of Diwaker Jha)



Caroline braves the snow!

(photo courtesy of Andrew Putnis)


Seefeld scenery


Beautiful, snowy Seefeld

(photo courtesy of Diwaker Jha)


Group photo


Group photo

(photo courtesy of Diwaker Jha)

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