Atmosphere Contents

3. Energy Variation

A redistribution of the Earth's energy

The amount of energy received at different latitudes varies substantially, where there is a net gain of radiation (energy) at the Equator and a net deficit at the poles. At approximately 37° north and south there is a net balance. On a global scale the Earth is in thermal equilibrium, where equatorial surplus and pole deficits balance out. Because of this meridional energy (temperature) gradient between the Equator and the poles, transport of momentum takes place through atmospheric general circulation, weather systems and ocean currents. The transfer of energy varies according to latitude and season e.g the Equator-Pole temperature gradient is greatest in winter, so poleward momentum fluxes are greatest then. Energy which reaches the Earth as radiation is absorbed by the Earth's surface and converted into kinetic and potential energy.

Surplus heating at the Equator and cooling at the poles

How does precession affect radiation distribution?