The environmental revolution may be the fourth great revolution
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The environmental revolution represents a shift away from a course of economic development based on a 'taken for granted' and dominating attitude towards the environment, to one in which environmental considerations are to be given a position of due priority in decision making. Its underlying message is that environmental issues are here to stay. Rather than nature being crowded out by human interference, human activity will itself need to be tempered by nature's inevitable limitations. Environmental sustainability and sustainable development will become the new imperative as environmental issues introduce new realities into all areas of activity - agriculture, industry, commerce and leisure. It will no longer be sufficient for the environment to be seen as a free asset that can be wilfully exploited to provide raw material inputs and effortlessly assimilate unwanted outputs. It must now be seen as a valuable asset which needs to be protected, nurtured and managed.
What are the main characteristics of the environmental revolution?