Volcanic Studies Group
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Ivan Savov
Lecturer in Geochemistry and Volcanology
Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics
School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
LS2 9JT Leeds - U.K.
Ph: +44 (0) 113-343-5199
Pic of Ivan

Research topics within VSG
  1. Promoting tephrochronology, geochemistry and petrology of ash and pumice from active volcanoes as a reliable monitoring tool, emphasis on Volcán Colima (Mexico) and Cerro Negro (Nicaragua).

  2. Constraining the role of fluids for explosive (and often cyclic) eruption behaviour.

  3. Isotope and trace element modelling of the magma source region.

Other Research:
  • Various aspects of the isotope geochemistry of light elements B, Be and Li.

  • Fluid-Rock interaction as recorded by serpentinite veins and melange sequences- examples from Mariana serpentine mud volcanoes, Lost City hydrothermal system, various ODP and IODP ocean floor sites, Franciscan Melanges in California.

  • Metamorphic petrology and geochemistry of high to ultrahigh pressure rocks from the Rhodope Massif, Bulgaria and Greece.

  • Volcanism in the Caucases- all aspects.

Current (as of March 2010) volcanology- related research projects I am working on:

  1. Petrology and geochemistry of basaltic volcanic conduits, sills and dykes in the San Rafael Volcanic field, Colorado Plateau, USA.

    Collaboration with Prof. Chuck Connor (USF) and Dr. Mikel Diez & Prof. Steve Sparks (Univ. Bristol).

  2. The roots of large caldera forming explosive volcanoes: petrology and geochemistry of Tezhsar alkaline complex, Caucases Mts.

    Collaboration with Dr. Ralf Halama (Univ. Kiel) & Dr. Khachik Meliksetian (RAS).

  3. Mineralogical and geochemical aspects of (ultra)- alkaline lavas from the hotspot volcanic island of Moorea, French Polynesia.

    Collaboration with Prof. Jeff Ryan & Judy Harden (USF) & Prof. Steve Shirey (DTM-Carnegie Institution)

  4. Geochemistry of historical lavas and scoria from the active Cerro Negro volcano and El-Hoyo-Las Pilas volcanic complex, Nicaragua.

    Collaboration with Prof. Chuck Connor (USF), Dr. Dan Morgan and Marge Wilson (Univ. Leeds)

  5. Mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry of the Precambrian Oceanic Crust- study of the Balkan-Carpathian ophiolite, Bulgaria and Serbia.

    Collaboration with Prof. Ivan Haydoutov (BAS), Prof. Sam Mukasa and Dr. Chuck Carrigan (U. Michigan) and Andrew McCaig (Univ.Leeds).

  6. Mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic oceanic island arc volcanism (boninites and IAT) in the E. Rhodopes, Bulgaria and Greece.

    Collaboration with Ivan Haydoutov (BAS), Kristina Kolcheva (U.Sofia) & Bruce Yardley (Univ. Leeds). MSc project of my student Chris Marshal (completed in Aug. 2009). MSc project of my student David Collings (started in Feb. 2010).

  7. Petrology, Geochemistry and Tephrochronology of Holocene to recent deposits of the most active volcano in North America- Volcan Fuego De Colima, Mexico

    Collaboration with Carlos Navarro-Ochoa (Colima Volcano Observatory), Prof. Jim Juhr (Smithsonian, deceased) & Dr. Merry Cai (LDEO-Columbia University) PhD project of my student Julia Crummy
    (started in Sept. 2009).

  8. Metasomatic veins in island arc peridotite xenoliths- a probes of what's going on under the volcanic arcs- an example of Avachynsky Volcano, Kamchatka.

    Collaboration with Dr. Ralf Halama, Prof. Bill McDonough and Prof. Roberta Rudnick

  9. Rhyolite volcanism- Insights from geochemistry of obsidians from Yellowstone, Snake River Plain and Oregon:

    Collaboration with Prof. Bill Leeman (NSF), Dr. Cin-Ty Lee (Rice Univ.) and Profs. Steve Shirey & Rick Carlson (DTM-Carnegie Institution).

  10. Rhyolite volcanism- Insights from geochemistry of obsidians from Armenia, Turkey and Bulgaria:

    Collaboration with Prof. Bill Leeman (NSF), Prof. Sonia Tonarini and Dr. Samuele Agostini (CNR-Pisa) and Dr. Gevorg Navasardian (RAS).

  11. Petrology and isotope geochemistry of mafic backarc glasses from the Mariana Trough, Western Pacific.

    Collaboration with Erik Hauri (DTM-Carnegie Institution), Alison Shaw (WHOI), Ed Kohut (Univ. Delaware) and Adam Kent (Oregon State Univ.)

  12. Petrology and geochemistry of volcanic ash and lavas from the early Palau-Kyushu and Mariana island arcs.

    Collaboration with Rosemary-Hickey Vargas (FIU) and Massimo D'Antonio (Vesuvio volcano Observatory/U.Napoli).

  13. Tracing timescales of volatile diffusion in rhyolite obsidians via MM-LA-ICP-MS B and B isotopes and novel IR microscopy techniques.

    Collaboration with Jon Castro (Monash Univ.) and Pierre Beck (Univ. Grenoble)

Related Peer Reviewed Publications:

Haydoutov, I., Kolcheva, K., Daieva, L., Savov, I. P., Carrigan, C., 2004. Island arc origin of the variegated formations from the east Rhodopes, Bulgaria: implications for the evolution of the Rhodope Massif, Ofioliti, 29 (2), 145-157.

Savov, I. P., Hickey-Vargas, R., D?Antonio, M., Ryan, J. G., Spadea, P., 2006. Petrology and geochemistry of West Philippine Basin basalts and early Palau-Kyushu arc volcanic clasts from ODP Leg 195, Site 1201D: Implications for the early history of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc, J. Petrology, 47(2): 277-299.

D Antonio, M., Savov, I. P., Spadea, P., Hickey-Vargas, R., Lockwood, J., 2006. Petrogenesis of Eocene oceanic basalts from the West Philippine Basin and Oligocene arc volcanics from the Palau-Kyushu Ridge drilled at 20°N, 135°E (Western Pacific Ocean), Ofioliti, 31, v. 2.

Hickey-Vargas, R., Savov, I. P., Bizimis, M., Ishii, T., Fujioka, K., 2007. Origin of diverse geochemical signatures in igneous rocks from the West Philippine Basin: implications for tectonic models, In Back-Arc Spreading Systems - Geological, Biological, Chemical, and Physical Interactions, Christie, D., Fisher, C. R., Lee, S.-M., and Givens, S. (eds), AGU Geophysical Monograph Series, vol. 166, 287-303.

Savov, I. P., Shirey, S., Ryan, J. G., and Tonarini, S., 2007, Addition of ancient mantle to young arc magmas-insights from B and Os isotopes: State of the Arc (SOTA) 2007 meeting volume, 47-53.

Savov, I. P., Luhr. J., Navaro, C., 2008. Petrology and Mineralogy of Lava and Ash Erupted from Volcán Colima, México, During 1999-2005, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 174, 4, 241-256. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.02.007

Savov, I. P., Leeman, W. P., Lee, C.T., Shirey, S.B., 2009. Boron isotope variations in NW USA rhyolites-E.Oregon, Snake River Plain, Yellowstone, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.03.008

Halama, R., Savov, I. P., McDonough, W., Rudnick, R., 2009. Li isotope recycling at subduction zones- insights from ultramafic xenoliths from Avachinsky volcano, Kamchatka, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 158, 197-222.

Diez, M., Connor, C. , Kruse, S., Connor, L., Savov, I. P., 2009. Evidence of small-volume igneous diapirism in the shallow crust of the Colorado Plateau, San Rafael desert, Utah, Lithosphere, v.1, doi: 10.1130/L61.1: 10.

Luhr. J., Navaro, C., Savov, I. P., 2010. Tephrochronology, petrology and geochemistry of Late-Holocene pyroclastic deposits from Volcán de Colima, Mexico, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.11.007.

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