International Publications: - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 -2000To get a reprint, please
1999 -1998 - 1997 - 1996 - 1995 - <1995
Roman DC, Neuberg J , Luckett RR., 2006. Assessing the likelihood of volcanic eruption through analysis of volcanotectonic earthquake fault-plane solutions., Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 248, pp229-237. doi:10.1016/ j.epsl.2006.05.029.
Green, D. N. , J. Neuberg, and Cayol, V., 2006. Shear stress along the conduit wall as a plausible source of tilt at Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L10306, doi:10.1029/2006GL025890.
Neuberg, J.W., 2006. Multi-parameter monitoring and modelling of volcanic processes, in: Mader, H.M., Coles, S.G. and Connor, C.B. (Eds), Statistics in Volcanology, Special Publications of IAVCEI, 1, 215--230, Geological Society, London.
Langer, H., S. Falsaperla, T. Powell and G. Thompson, 2006. Automatic classification and a-posteriori analysis of seismic event identification at Soufrière hills volcano, Montserrat. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.08.012.
Green, D. and J. Neuberg, 2006. Waveform classification of volcanic low-frequency swarms and its implication. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res.,153, 51-63. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.08.003
Neuberg, J.W., H. Tuffen, L.Collier, D. Green, T. Powell and D. Dingwell, 2006. The trigger mechanism of low-frequency earthquakes on Montserrat. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 153, 37-50. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.08.008
Collier, L. and J. Neuberg , 2006. Incorporating seismic observations into 2D conduit flow modelling. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 152, 331-346. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.11.009
Sturton, S. and J. Neuberg , 2006. The effects of conduit geometry and acoustic velocity on conduit resonance: implications for low-frequency events. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 151, 319-339. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.09.009
Collier, L., J. Neuberg, N. Lensky and V. Lyakhovsky, 2006. Attenuation in gas-charged magma. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 153, 21-36. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.08.009
Roman D.C. and Cashman K.V., 2006. The origin of volcano-tectonic earthquake swarms., Geology, 34 (6), 457-460. doi 10.1130/G22269.1
Green D. and J. Neuberg, 2005. Seismic and infrasonic signals associated with unusual collapse event at the Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L07308, doi:10.1029/2004GL022265.
Jousset P. , Neuberg J. and A.D Jolly . Modelling low-frequency volcanic earthquakes in a viscoelastic medium with topography. Geophys. J.Int., 159, 776-802.
Formenti Y. and T. Druitt , 2003. Vesicle connectivity in pyroclasts and implications for the fluidisation of fountain-collapse pyroclastic flows at Montserrat (British West Indies). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 214, 3-4, 561-574.Formenti Y. and T. Druitt, 2003. Characterisation of Vulcanian eruptions of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, by video analysis. Bulletin of Volcanology, 65, 8, 587-605.
Jousset P., H. Mori and H. Okada, 2003. Elastic models for the magma intrusion associated with the 2000 eruption at Usu Volcano, Hokkaido, Japan. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 125, 81-106.
Jousset P., Neuberg J. and Sturton S., 2003. Modelling the time-dependent frequency content of low-frequency volcanic earthquakes. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 128, 201-223.
Powell T. and Neuberg J., 2003. Time dependent features in tremor spectra, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 128, 177-185.
Sturton S. and Neuberg J., 2003. The effects of a decompression on seismic parameter profiles in a gas-charged magma. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 128, 187-199.
Baptie, B., Luckett, R. & J. Neuberg, 2002. Spatial and temporal variability of low-frequency earthquakes and volcanic tremor on Montserrat. Druitt, T. H. & Kokelaar B. P (Eds), The Eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from 1995 to 1999, Geological Society London, Memoir.2001Jolly A.D., Thompson G. and Norton G.E., 2002. Locating pyroclastic flows on Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies, using amplitude signals from high dynamic range instruments, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 118, 299-317.
Luckett R.,Baptie B. & J. Neuberg, 2002. Seismic signals associated with rockfall on Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat. Druitt, T. H. & Kokelaar B. P (Eds), The Eruption of Soufri\`ere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from
1995 to 1999, Geological Society London, Memoir,Neuberg J. & C. O'Gorman, 2002. The seismic wavefield in gas-charged magma. Druitt, T. H. & Kokelaar B. P (Eds), The Eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from 1995 to 1999, Geological Society London, Memoir, 21, 603-609.
Power J. A., Jolly A.D., C.J. Nye, M.L. Harbin, 2002. A conceptual model of the Mount Spurr magmatic system from seismic and geochemica observations of the 1992 Crater Peak eruption sequence. Bull. Volcanol., 64, 206-218.
Jolly A.D. , Stihler S.D., Power J.P., Lahr J.C., Paskievitch J., Tytgat G., Estes S., Lockhart A.B., Moran S.C., McNutt S.R., and Hammond W.R., 2001, Catalog of Earthquake Hypocenters at Alaskan Volcanoes: January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1999, United States Geological Survey, Open-file Report 01-189, 22 p.2000McGill, R.K., Clark, R.A.,and J. Neuberg, 2001, The AVA (amplitude-versus-angle) signature of small-scale reflector topography, Geophysical Prospecting, 49, 59-70.
Jousset P., H. Mori and Okada, H., 2000. Possible magma intrusion revealed by temporal gravity, ground deformation and ground temperature observations at Mount Komagatake (Hokkaido) during the 1996-1998 crisis. Geophys. J. Int., 143, 557-574.Jousset P., Dwipa S., Beauducel F., Duquesnoy T. and Diament M., 2000. Temporal gravity at Merapi (Java, Indonesia) during the 1993-1995 crisis : an insight into the dynamical behaviour of volcanoes. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 100, 289-320.
Neuberg J., 2000, 'Characteristics and causes of shallow seismicity in andesite volcanoes', Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lon. , 358, 1533-1546.
Neuberg J., 2000, External modulation of volcanic activity, Geophys. J. Int., 142, 232-240.1999Neuberg J., Luckett R., Baptie B. and K. B. Olson, 2000, Models for tremor and low-frequency events on Montserrat, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 101, 83-104.
Neuberg J. and T. Pointer, 2000, Effects of volcano-topography on seismic broadband waveforms, Geophys. J. Int., 143, 239-248.
Jolly A.D., and McNutt S.R., 1999, Seismicity at the volcanoes of Katmai National Park, Alaska, July 1995-December 1997, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., v. 93, p. 173-190.1998Jousset P. and Okada, H. 1999. Evolution of volcanic dome as revealed from deformation and microgravity observations at Mount Usu (Hokkaido, Japan). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res.,89, 255-273.
Jousset P., Melchior P., Tjetjep W. and Ducarme B., 1998. Oceanic Tidal Gravity Loading in Java Island. Bull. Int. Marées Terrestres, 130, 10030-10048.1997Neuberg J., Baptie B., Luckett, R. and R. Stewart, 1998, Results from the broad-band seismic network on Montserrat, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 19:3661-3664.
Neuberg J. and L. Lisapaly, 1997, Kirchhoff synthetics for seismic reflections and diving waves in 2D and application to the D" layer, Geophys. J. Int., 129, 587-596.1996Murphy, F.E., Neuberg J. and A.W.B. Jacob, 1997, Alternatives to Core-Mantle Boundary Topography, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 103, 349-364.
Braun T., Neuberg J. and M. Ripepe, 1996, On the origin of the long-period tremor recorded on Stromboli volcano (Italy), Annali di Geofisika, 39, N.2, 311-326.1995Jolly A.D., Power, J.A., Stihler, S.D., Rao, L.N., Davidson, G., Paskievitch, J., Estes, S., Lahr, J.C., 1996, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters for Augustine, Redoubt, Iliamna, and Mount Spurr volcanoes, Alaska: January 1, 1991-December 31, 1993; United States Geological Survey, Open-File Report 96-70, 90 p.
Neuberg J. and R. Luckett, 1996, Seismo-volcanic sources on Stromboli volcano, Annali Geofisika, 39, N.2, 377-391.
Becker M., Balestri L., Bartell R., Berrino G., Bonvalot S., Csapo G., Diament M., D'Errico M., Gerstenecker C., Gagnon C., Jousset P., Kopaev A., Liard J., Marson I., Meurers B., Nowak I., Nakai S., Rehren F., Richter B., Schüll M., Somerhausen A., Spita W., Szatmari S., Van Ruymbeke M., Wenzel H.G., Wilmes H., Zucchi M and Zürn W., Micro-gravimetric measurements at the 1994 International Absolute Gravimeter Comparison in Sèvres, France, Metrologia, 32, 145-152.1994Jousset P., M. Van Ruymbeke, S. Bonvalot and M. Diament, 1995, Performance of two Scintrex CG3-M gravity meters at the fourth International Absolute Comparison, Sèvres, France, Metrologia, 32, 231-244.
Neuberg J. and T. Pointer, 1995, Modelling seismic reflections from D" using the Kirchhoff method, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 90, 273-281.
Pointer, T. and J. Neuberg, 1995, Deconvolution of overcritical P-wave reflections from the top of D", Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 90, 283-301.
Power J.A., Jolly A.D., Page R.A., McNutt S.R., 1995, Seismicity and forecasting of the 1992 eruptions of the Crater Peak vent, Mount Spurr volcano, Alaska, 1993; United States Geological Survey-Bulletin 2139, p. 149-159.
Jolly A.D., Page R.A. and Power J.A., 1994, Seismicity and stress in the vicinity of Mount Spurr volcano, south-central Alaska; Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 99, n. B8, p. 15305-15318.1993Neuberg J., Luckett R., Ripepe M., and T. Braun, 1994. Highlights from a seismic broadband array on Stromboli volcano, Geophys. Res. Lett., 21, 9, 749-752.
Power, J.A., March, G.D., Lahr, J.C., JollyA.D., Cruse, G.R., 1993, Catalog of Earthquake hypocenters at Redoubt volcano and Mount Spurr, Alaska: October 12, 1989 - December 31, 1990: United States Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-685-A, 57 p.1992
Jolly A.D., and Sheriff S.D., 1992, Paleomagnetic study of thrust-sheet motion along the Rocky Mountain Front: west-central Montana; Geological Society of America Bulletin; v. 104, p. 779-785.1991
Neuberg J., Hinderer J., and W. Zürn, 1991. On the complex eigenfrequency of the "Nearly Diurnal Free Wobble" and its geophysical interpretation, in 'Variations in Earth rotation', D.D. McCarthy and W.E. Carter (Eds), Geophysical Monograph 59, IUGG Volume 9, 11-16.1988Neuberg J. and J. Wahr, 1991, Detailed investigation of a spot of the core-mantle boundary using digital PcP data, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 68, 132-143.
Neuberg J. and Wahyudi, 1991. Study on characteristics and origin of volcanic seismic signals, in 'Volcanic Tremor and Magma Flow', R. Schick R. Mugiono (Eds), Scientific Series of the International Bureau, Volume 4, 149-163.
Zürn W., Neuberg J. and D. Emter, 1988. Search for the nearly diurnal free wobble-resonance in strain induced local tidal tilts, Bull. Inf. Marees Terr., 102, 7107-7111.1987
Neuberg J., Hinderer J., and W. Zürn, 1987. Stacking gravity tide observations in central Europe for the retrieval of the complex eigenfrequency of the nearly diurnal free wobble, Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 91, 853-868.
Zürn W., Rydelek P., Richter B., and J. Neuberg, 1987. Detection of inertial gravity oscillations in the earth's core with a superconducting gravimeter at Brussels - comment, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 49, 176-178.1986
Neuberg J. and W. Zürn, 1986, Investigation of the nearly diurnal resonance using gravity-, tilt-, and strain-data simultaneously, Proc. 10th Int. Symp. Earth Tides, R. Vieira (Ed), Cons. Sup. Cient., Madrid, 305-311.Zürn W., Emter D., Heil E., Neuberg J., and W. Grüninger, 1986. Comparison of long- and short-baseline tidal tilts, Proc. 10th Int. Symp. Earth Tides, R. Vieira (Ed), Cons. Sup. Cient., Madrid, 61-69.
McGuire, W.J., Jones, A.P. and J. Neuberg, 1996. Volcano instability on the earth and other planets, Geological Society Special Publication No. 110, 388 pages
2006Neuberg, J., Green, D., Collombet, M. and Hammer, C., 2007. Volcanic seismicity: towards a magma flow meter. EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2007. EGU2007-A-04475.
Collombet, M. and Neuberg, J. 2007. First steps to include gas loss in 2D magma flow models. EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2007. EGU2007-A-04301.
Smith, P.J. and Neuberg, J. 2007. Linking low-frequency events to conduit properties. EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2007. EGU2007-A-04480.
Neuberg, J., Smith, P., Green, D., Collombet, M., Collier, L., Hammer, C. and Key, J., 2007. From seismograms to magma: Interpreting broadband seismic signals in terms of magmatic processes. EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2007. EGU2007-A-04465.
Neuberg, J., Smith, P.J., Poxon, A., Key, J. and Johnson, J., 2007. Towards a quantitative, seismic magma flow meter. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2007.
Smith, P.J. and Neuberg, J. 2007. An amplitude battle: attenuation in bubbly magma versus conduit resonance. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2007.
Vargas-Bracamontes, D. and Neuberg, J. 2007. Assessing the factors that impact on the generation of volcano-tectonic earthquakes. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2007.
Vargas-Bracamontes, D., Nava, F.A., and Reyes-Davila, G.A., 2007. Wavelet analysis related to eruptions of Colima volcano, Mexico. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2007.
Smith, P.J., and Neuberg, J.,, 2007. Different aspects of seismic amplitude decay in viscous magma. British Geophysical Association (BGA) Postgraduate Research in Geophysics Meeting, University of Cardiff, 2007.
Smith, P.J., and Neuberg, J.,, 2007. Low-frequency coda decay: separating the different components of amplitude loss. ESC Working Group on Volcano-seismology annual meeting, Nesbuð, Iceland, 9-16 September 2007.
Neuberg, J., , 2007. From Magma Fracture to a Seismic Magma Flow Meter. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 2007. V54B-06. INVITED
Smith, P.J. and Neuberg, J., 2007. Using the Seismic Amplitude Decay of Low-Frequency Events to Constrain Magma Properties. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 2007. V51D-0782.
Vargas-Bracamontes, D and Neuberg, J., 2007. Relating stress models of magma emplacement to volcano-tectonic earthquakes. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 2007. V51D-0784
2005Neuberg J. and M. Collombet, 2006 Low-frequency seismic events in a wider volcanological context (invited) AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, 2006, V52A-04
Collombet M., J. Neuberg and D. Green, 2006. 2D numerical magma flow modelling and seismological constraints, EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2006, EGU06-A-08315.
Neuberg J.W., 2006. Volcano seismology in a wider volcanological context (solicited), EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2006, EGU06-A-04596.
Collombet M., J. Neuberg , L. Collier, and D. Green, 2006. 2D numerical magma flow modelling and seismological constraints, VMSG 40th Anniversary meeting, Leeds 2006.
Roman D.C., 2006. Forecasting volcanic activity using volcanic stress field analysis, VMSG 40th Anniversary meeting, Leeds 2006.
Neuberg J.W. 2006. Volcano seismology in a wider volcanological context. 16th ESC-WG Annual Meeting, Olot, Spain, 18-24 September 2006.
Collombet M. 2006. First attempt to consider 2D gas loss into numerical magma flow modelling. 16th ESC-WG Annual Meeting, Olot, Spain, 18-24 September 2006.
Smith P.J. 2006. Combining magma flow models with seismic signals. 16th ESC-WG Annual Meeting, Olot, Spain, 18-24 September 2006.
2004Roman D.C., J. Neuberg, Luckett, R.R. and R.A. White, 2005. Changes in the orientation of local stresses prior and during magmatic activity at the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, 2005, V21C-0622.
Neuberg J., D. Green, and M. Collombet , 2005. Multi-parameter monitoring and modelling of volcanic processes, Soufrière Hills Volcano - Ten Years On, Montserrat, West Indies, 2005.
Roman D.C., B. J. Baptie, L. Ottemoller, and J. Neuberg, 2005. Changes in local stress and volcanotectonic seismicity during the eruption of the Soufrière Hills volcano, Soufrière Hills Volcano - Ten Years On, Montserrat, West Indies, 2005.
Collombet M. and J. Neuberg , 2005. Incorporating low-frequency seismic event analysis with conduit flow modelling, Soufrière Hills Volcano - Ten Years On, Montserrat, West Indies, 2005.
Green D. and J. Neuberg, 2005. An unusual collapse event at the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, interpreted using broadband seismic and infrasonic signals, EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2005, EGU05-A-01277.
Roman D.C., B. J. Baptie, L. Ottemoller, J. Neuberg, 2005. Changes in local stress and volcanotectonic seismicity during the ongoing eruption of the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2005, EGU05-A-01695.
Collier L., J. Neuberg and M. Collombet, 2005. Two-dimensional numerical modelling of magma in volcanic conduits, EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2005, EGU05-A-04327.
Collombet M., L. Collier, J. Neuberg and D. Green, 2005. The benefits of integrating low-frequency event analysis with conduit flow modelling, EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2005, EGU05-A-04928.
Neuberg J., D. Green, M. Collombet and L. Collier, 2005. Multi-parameter monitoring and modelling of volcanic processes, EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2005, EGU05-A-06729.
Neuberg J., 2005. Multi parameter monitoring and modelling of volcanic processes, International Workshop on Volcanic Explosions, Kobe, Japan, Keynote.
Green D. and J. Neuberg, 2004. Different volcanic event types and their investigation through infrasonic and seismic signatures. IAVCEI General Assembly, Pucon, Chile, Symposium 8a.2003Cayol, V., D. Green and J. Neuberg, 2004. Location of the source of deformations and hybrid Earthquakes cycles at Montserrat. EGU General Assembly, Nice 2004, EGU04-A-06471. IAVCEI General Assembly, Pucon, Chile, Symposium 8a.
Green D. and J. Neuberg, 2004. Improved locations for low-frequency earthquakes using waveform similarity. IAVCEI General Assembly, Pucon, Chile, Symposium 8d.
Neuberg, J. D. Green, L. Collier, H. Tuffen and D. Dingwell, 2004. The trigger mechanism for low-frequency seismic events. IAVCEI General Assembly, Pucon, Chile, Symposium 8a.
Neuberg J., 2004. The source of low-frequency earthquakes: cracks, dykes or conduits? IAVCEI General Assembly, Pucon, Chile, Symposium 8d.
Roman D.C., K.V. Cashman, D. Villagomez, 2004. The relationship of volcanotectonic seismicity and local stress field behaviour to magma composition and rheology. IAVCEI General Assembly, Pucon, Chile, Symposium ?
Cayol, V., D. Green and J. Neuberg, 2004. Location of the source of deformations and hybrid Earthquakes cycles at Montserrat. EGU General Assembly, Nice 2004, EGU04-A-06471.
Collier, L., J. Neuberg, V. Lyakhovsky, O. Navon and N. Lensky, 2004. Seismic attenuation in gas-charged magma., EGU General Assembly, Nice 2004. EGU04-A-03257.
Green, D.N. and J. Neuberg, 2004. Improved locations for low-frequency earthquakes using multiplets. EGU General Assembly, Nice 2004, EGU04-A-03277.
Langer, H., S. Falsaperla, T. Powell and G. Thompson, 2004. Reclassification of seismic transients at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, and applications of Artificial Neural Networks. EGU General Assembly, Nice 2004, EGU04-A-04026.
Neuberg, J. D. Green, L. Collier, H. Tuffen and D. Dingwell, 2004. The trigger mechanism of low-frequency earthquake swarms on Montserrat. EGU General Assembly, Nice 2004, EGU04-A-03468.
Neuberg, J., T. Powell, L. Collier and D. Green, 2004. Physical processes in magma and their signature in seismic records. Environmental Mathematics and Statistics Workshops and Training Courses, Workshop on Statistics in Volcanology, University of Bristol.
Powell, T.and J. Neuberg, 2004. Inter-dependency of seismic events and their parameters during different activity periods of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. EGU General Assembly, Nice 2004, EGU04-A-02904.
Dunkley, P., B. Voight, M. Edmonds, R. Herd, G. Thompson, V. Bass, W.P. Aspinall,B. Voight, M. Edmonds, R. Herd, G. Thompson, V. Bass, W.P. Aspinall, J. Neuberg, The rise and fall of the Soufrière Hills Volcano lava dome, Montserrat, BWI, July 2001-July2003: Science, hazards and volatile public perceptions. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V51F-0342, 2003.2002Formenti Y. and Druitt T. H., 2003. Vesicle connectivity in pyroclasts and implications for the fluidisation of fountain-collapse pyroclastic flows of Montserrat (British West Indies). EGS - AGU - EGU Joint Assembly, Nice, France.
Formenti Y. and Druitt T. H., 2003. The role of magmatic gas during Vulcanian explosions and pyroclastic flows emplacement, at Montserrat. 13th ESC Annual meeting, Pantelleria, Italy, 23-28 September 2003.
Formenti Y., 2003. Particle motion analysis of some low-frequency seismic episodes at Montserrat. 13th ESC Annual meeting, Pantelleria, Italy, 23-28 September 2003.
Green D., Cayol V. and J. Neuberg, 2003. Pressurisation of Soufrière Hill's volcanic edifice. 13th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Pantelleria, Italy, 23-28 September 2003.
Green D. and J. Neuberg, 2003. Waveform analysis of low-frequency earthquakes, with examples from prior to the July 12th dome collapse, Montserrat. 13th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Pantelleria, Italy, 23-28 September 2003.
Jolly A., P. Jousset and J.W. Neuberg,2003. Locating low-frequency earthquakes using amplitude signals from seismograph stations: Examples from events at Montserrat, West Indies and from synthetic data. EGS - AGU - EGU Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.
Jolly A.D., R.A. Herd, G.E. Norton, G. Thompson, V.A.A. Bass, 2003. Location and duration-size distribution of dome failure events at the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies. IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June-11 July 2003.
Jolly A., P. Jousset and J.W. Neuberg, 2003. Locating low-frequency earthquakes using amplitude signals: results from synthetic seismic data. IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June-11 July 2003.
Jolly A.D., S. Moran, S.McNutt, 2003. Three-dimensional velocity structure from earthquakes at Katmai national Park, Alaska: implications for earthquake relocations and spatial frequency-size distributions. IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June-11 July 2003.
Jousset P. and J.W. Neuberg, 2003. Modelling low-frequency volcanic earthquakes in a viscoelastic medium with topography. EGS - AGU - EGU Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.
Jousset P., H. Mori, H. Okada. 2003. Elastic modelling of magma intrusions: example of the 2000 eruption of Usu Volcano, Japan. EGS - AGU - EGU Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.
Jousset P., H. Mori, H. Okada and M. Diament. 2003. Insights in volcanic processes in subduction related volcanoes revealed by the coupled inversion of deformation and microgravity data. IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June-11 July 2003.
Jousset P., J.W. Neuberg, S. Sturton and A. Jolly, 2003. The modelling of low-frequency volcanic earthquakes. IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June-11 July 2003.
Langer H., Falsaperla S., Powell T. and G. Thompson, 2003. Classification of seismic transients recorded on Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, using Artificial Neural Networks. 13th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Pantelleria, Italy, 23-28 September 2003.
Neuberg J.W., H. Tuffen, A. Jolly and D. Green, 2003. A trigger mechanism of volcanic low-frequency seismic events on Montserrat. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V31B-01, 2003.
Neuberg J.W., Jousset P. and Sturton S., A multi-disciplinary interpretation of low-frequency volcanic earthquakes. IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June-11 July 2003.
Neuberg J.W., Collier L., Lensky N.G., Lyakhovsky V. and Navon, O. 2003. Damping and amplification of seismic waves in gas-charged magma. IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June-11 July 2003.
Neuberg J.W., Edmonds M., Herd R., Thompson G., Green D., Powell T., Jolly A., 2003. Multi-parameter monitoring on Montserrat: concepts, megabytes of data and results. IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June-11 July 2003.
Neuberg J. and S. Sturton, 2003. Dispersion analysis of low-frequency earthquakes on Montserrat - and what it reveals. 13th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Pantelleria, Italy, 23-28 September 2003.
Neuberg J., Green D., Doyle E., Jolly A. and G. Norton, 2003. Temporal and lateral variation of earthquake characteristics during various dome growth episodes. 13th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Pantelleria, Italy, 23-28 September 2003.
Neuberg J., Sturton S. and H. Tuffen, 2003. Ideas on the excitation mechanism of low-frequency earthquakes. 13th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Pantelleria, Italy, 23-28 September 2003.
Navon O., Lensky N.G., Collier L., Neuberg J. and Lyakhovsky V. 2003. Amplification of seismic waves beneath active volcanoes. EGS - AGU - EGU Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.
Powell T. and J. Neuberg, 2003. Variations of seismic parameters during different activity levels of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. EGS - AGU - EGU Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.
Powell T. and J. Neuberg, 2003. Automated event classification and parameter retrieval on Montserrat. 13th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Pantelleria, Italy, 23-28 September 2003.
Visser K & Neuberg J., 2003. Low-frequency events on Montserrat. EGS - AGU - EGU Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.
Young, S.R., B. Voight, G.S. Mattioli, A.T. Linde, I.S. Sacks, P.E. Malin, E. Shalev, D. Hidayat, D. Elsworth, R.S. Sparks, J. Neuberg, P.N. Dunkley, G. E. Norton, R.A. Herd, M. Edmonds, G. Thompson, A. Jolly and V. Bass, 2003. Linking surface activity to the deep volcanic plumbing system: the CALIPSO borehole observatory project on Montserrat. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V51J-0409, 2003.
Voight, B., G.S. Mattioli, S.R. Young, A.T. Linde, I.S. Sacks, P. Malin, E. Shalev, D. Hidayal, D. Elsworth, C. Widiwijayanti, V. Miller, R. Sparks, J. Neuberg,V. Bass, P. Dunkley, M. Edmonds, R. Herd, A. Jolly, G. Norton, G. Thompson, 2003. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V51F-0342, 2003. CALIPSO borehols instrumentation project at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, BWI: Overview and prospects. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V51J-0406, 2003.
Collier L. and J. W. Neuberg, 2002. Seismic Attenuation and Amplification in Bubbly Liquids, 12th ESC-WG Annual Workshop, Montserrat, 16-20 September 2002.2001Formenti Y. and Druitt T.H., 2002. Dynamics of 1997 Vulcanian explosions at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat deduced from video analysis. Montaigne Pelee 1902-2002; explosive volcanism in subduction zones. Oral.
Formenti Y. and Druitt T.H., 2002. Vesicle connectivity in 1997 Montserrat pumice and implication for the fluidisation of fountain-collapse pumice flows. Montaigne Pelee 1902-2002; explosive volcanism in subduction zones. Montagne Pelee 1902-2002; explosive volcanism in subduction zones. Poster
Jousset P., Insights in magma processes using observation and modelling of low-frequency earthquakes at Montserrat. 12th ESC-WG Annual Workshop, Montserrat, 16-20 September 2002.
Jousset P., J.W. Neuberg and A.D. Jolly, 2002. Viscoelastic modelling of low-frequency volcanic earthquakes and tremor on Montserrat. Proceedings of the International Congress 'Montagne Pelee 1902-2002', 12-16 may 2002, St. Pierre, Martinique, p. 82.
Jousset P., H. Mori, H. Okada and M. Diament. 2002. Volcanic activity and microgravity: observations and modelling on subduction related volcanoes. Proceedings of the International Congress 'Montagne Pelee 1902-2002', 12-16 may 2002, St. Pierre, Martinique, p. 82.
Neuberg J., 2002. Latest developments of Soufrière Hills, Montserrat. 12th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Montserrat, 16-20 September 2002.
Neuberg J., 2002. The MULTIMO project, an overview. 12th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Montserrat, 16-20 September 2002.
Neuberg J., 2002. From seismograms to magma. 12th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Montserrat, 16-20 September 2002.
Neuberg J. and S. Sturton, 2002. Pressure changes in volcanic systems derived from seismic signals, EOS: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Abstract V12B-1419.
Powell T. and J. Neuberg , 2002. Seismic parameters during the different activity periods of 1997 Soufrière Hills Volcano. 12th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Montserrat, 16-20 September 2002.
Sturton, S. and J. Neuberg, 2002. Modelling the effects of magma properties, pressure and conduit dimensions on the seismic signature. Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V21A-1188, 2002.
Formenti Y. and Druitt T. H., 2001. Estimation of physical parameters of Vulcanian eruption of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. EGU XI (Strasbourg, France). Oral.2000Jolly A D, Thompson G., Norton G E, 2001. Locating Pyroclastic Flows on Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies, Using Amplitude Signals From High Dynamic Range Instruments Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract xxxxx-xx, 2001.
Jousset P., S. Sturton and J.Neuberg, 2001. The time dependence frequency behaviour of long-period volcanic earthquakes. 11th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Tenerife, 17-23 September 2001.
Jousset P. and J.W. Neuberg., 2001. Modelling the Time Dependence of Frequency Content of Long-period Volcanic Earthquakes. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V21E-12, 2001.
Neuberg, J.W., and Lensky, N G, 2001. Damping and Amplification of Seismic Waves in Gas-Charged Magma. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V21E-13, 2001.
Neuberg J., 2001. On the excitation of low-frequency events. 11th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Tenerife, 17-23 September 2001.
Neuberg J., and N. Lensky, 2001. Q in bubbly liquids. 11th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Tenerife, 17-23 September 2001.
Neuberg J., S. Sturton and P. Jousset, 2001. The feed-back system behind the generation of low-frequency volcanic earthquakes. In: Abstracts of the EGS conference in Nice. European Geophysical Society.
Navon O., Lensk, N G., Neuberg J W., and Lyakhovsky, V., 2001. Bulk Viscosity of Bubbly Magmas and the Amplification of Pressure Waves, Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V31A-0934, 2001.
Powell T., 2001. Time dependent spectral behaviour caused by repeated triggering. 11th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Tenerife, 17-23 September 2001.
Powell T., 2001. Detailed comparison between tilt and seismicity on Montserrat. 11th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Tenerife, 17-23 September 2001.
Sturton S. and Neuberg J W., 2001. The Seismic Velocity In Gas-charged Magma. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V21E-11, 2001.
Voight B., Young S., Baptie B., Bass V., Duffell H., Dunkley P., Edmunds M., Herd R., Jolly A., Norton G., Syers T., Thompson G., Williams D. and Williams P., 2001. Multi parameter Measurements at Montserrat and their Interpretation: Honoring the Memory of Bruno Martinelli. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract xxxxx-xx, 2001.
Formenti Y. and Druitt T. H., 2000. Characterisation of the Vulcanian eruptions of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, by video analysis. GEOSCIENCE 2000 (Manchester, Great-Britain). Poster.1999Formenti Y. and Druitt T. H., 2000. Characterisation of the Vulcanian eruptions of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, by video analysis. IAVCEI general assembly 2000 (Bali, Indonesia). Poster.
Jolly A.D., and McNutt, S.R., 2000, Three-dimensional attenuation structure at the volcanoes of Katmai National Park, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 81, p. 1375.
Jousset P., Thierry P. and Lambaré G., 2000. Improvement of 3-D Migration/inversion by reducing acquisition footprints: application to real data. Expanded Abstracts of the annual meeting of the Society Exploration Geophysics, Calgary, August 2000, 1, 866-869.
Jousset P., Thierry P. and Lambaré G., 2000. Improvement of 3-D Migration/inversion by reducing acquisition footprints. Expanded Abstracts of the annual meeting of the European Association Geophysicists and Engineers, Glasgow, June 2000, 1, C53.
Jousset P., Thierry P. and Lambaré G., 2000. Reducing acquisition footprints in 3D migration/inversion. Invited paper at the Workshop "Pre-Stack Depth Imaging: prospects and challenges", Glasgow, 28th May 2000.
Neuberg J., 2000. Modelling the seismic wave field of low-frequency events. 10th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Azores, 15-20 September 2000.
Neuberg J., 2000. Effects of volcano-topography on seismic broadband waveforms. 10th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Azores, 15-20 September 2000.
Neuberg J., 2000. Modelling the seismic wavefield of low-frequency events, SSA-1-09, XXVII General Assembly ESC, Lisbon, Portugal.
Neuberg J. and S. Sturton, 2000. From seismograms to magma. IAVCEI General Assembly 2000, Bali, Indonesia.
Powell T., 2000. Correlating weather and seismicity on Stromboli Volcano, Italy. 10th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Azores, 15-20 September 2000.
Sturton, S. and J. Neuberg, 2000. Modelling of volcanic earthquakes and tremor. 10th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Azores, 15-20 September 2000.
Thierry P. , P. Jousset, R. Baina, A. Ribodetti and F. Billette, 2000. 3-D preserved amplitude processing sequence in a real case. Expanded Abstracts of the annual meeting of the Society Exploration Geophysics, Calgary, August 2000, 1, 239-242.
Thierry P. , Jousset P. and F. Billette, 2000. Application of a 3-D preserved amplitude processing sequence to a North sea data set. Expanded Abstracts of the annual meeting of the European Association Geophysicists and Engineers, Glasgow, June 2000, 1, C38.
Baptie, B.R., R. Luckett and J. Neuberg, 1999. Variability of tremor episodes on Montserrat. 9th ESC-WG Annual meeting, Santorini, 21-26 September 1999.1998Baptie, B., Luckett, R., and J. Neuberg, 1999. Spatial and temporal variability of low-frequency earthquakes and volcanic tremor on Montserrat, JSV47/E/05, IUGG, Birmingham, UK.
Diament, M., Bonvalot S., Jousset P., Ballu V., Deplus C., Gabalda G., 1999. Application of absolute and relative gravity measurements to tectonics and volcanology, High Precision Gravity Measurements with Application to Geodynamics and Second GGP Workshop, Munsbach Castle (Grand Duchy of luxembourg), 24-26 March 1999.
Jousset P., Thierry P. and Lambaré G., 1999. Reduction of acquisition footprints in 3-D seismic migration/inversion. Expanded Abstracts of the annual meeting of the Society Exploration Geophysics, Houston, Nov. 1999, 2, 1354-1358.
Jousset P., Mori, H. and Okada, H., 1999. Volcanic activity as revealed by geodetic and microgravity observations at Mount Usu and Mount Komagatake (Hokkaido, Japan). High Precision Gravity Measurements with Application to Geodynamics and Second GGP Workshop, Munsbach Castle (Grand Duchy of luxembourg), 24-26 March 1999.
Jolly A.D, Young S.R., Cabey L. and Thompson G., 1999. The Reduced Displacement of large explosive eruptions at Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, West Indies, using broadband seismic data, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 80, p. 1145.
Jolly A.D., Moran S.C. and McNutt S.R., 1998. P-wave tomography at Katmai National Park, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 79, p. 621.
Luckett R., B. Baptie and J. Neuberg, 1999. The relationship between degassing and rockfall signals at Soufrière. 9th ESC-WG Annual Meeting, Santorini, 21-26 September 1999.
Moran, S.C. and Jolly A.D., 1998, The shallow stress field at Katmai National park, Alaska, as inferred from focal mechanisms and b-values, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 79, p. 622.
Neuberg J., R. Luckett, B. Baptie and K.Olsen, 1999. Models of tremor and low-frequency earthquake swarms on Montserrat. 9th ESC-WG Annual Meeting, Santorini, 21-26 September 1999.
Neuberg J. and C. O'Gorman, 1999. The seismic wavefield in gas-charged magma. 9th ESC-WG Annual Meeting, Santorini, 21-26 September 1999.
Neuberg J., 1999. External modulation of volcanic activity. 9th ESC-WG Annual Meeting, Santorini, 21-26 September 1999.
Neuberg J., 1999. Deformation signals derived from broadband seismic data, JSV47/L/01, IUGG, Birmingham, UK.
Neuberg J., 1999, From Magma to Seismograms: Observations from Soufrière Hills Volcano in Montserrat, JSV29/W/09, IUGG, Birmingham, UK.
Neuberg J., 1999, External modulation of volcanic activity, VS3/W/28, IUGG, Birmingham , UK
O'Mongain A. and Neuberg J., 1999, Mapping lower mantle topography using a high resolution migration technique, ST4/E/49, IUGG, Birmingham, UK.
Jousset P., Mori, H. and Okada, H., 1998. Volcano dynamics as revealed by microgravity and deformation observations: examples of andesitic-dacitic volcanoes (Japan and Indonesia). Int. Meeting "Cities on Volcanoes", Roma and Napoli (June 29- July 4).1997Okada H., Mori H., Jousset P., Nishimura Y. and Oshima H., 1998. Eruption forecasting at volcanoes in Hokkaido, Japan. Int. Meeting "Cities on Volcanoes", Roma and Napoli (June 29 - July 4).
Neuberg J., 1998. Physical models of tremor and low-frequency earthquake swarms on Montserrat. 8th ESC-WG Annual Meeting, Kamchatka, 14-24 September 1998.
Neuberg J., 1998. Effects of volcano topography on seismic broadband waveforms. 8th ESC-WG Annual Meeting, Kamchatka, 14-24 September 1998.
Neuberg J.,Luckett R., Bapti, B., and K. B. Olson, 1998. Models for tremor and low-frequency events of Montserrat, EOS, Transactions, AGU.
Power J.A., Jolly A.D., Harbin M.L. and Nye, C.J., 1997. Deep long-period events associated with the 1992 eruptions of Crater Peak Vent, Mount Spurr, Alaska, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 78, p. 438.
Thompson, G, and J. Neuberg, 1998, Amplitude modelling of long period seismic phases at Stromboli and estimation of source parameters, EOS, Transactions, AGU.
Jolly A.D., McNutt S.R., Coombs M.L., Stihler S.D. and Paskievitch J., 1997. Seismicity in the vicinity of the Katmai group of volcanoes, Katmai National Park, Alaska, July 1995-March 1997, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 78, p. 442.1996McNutt S.R., Benoit J., Christensen D., Estes S., Tytgat G., Stihler S., Wiemer S., Jolly A., Robinson M., Hansen R., Lindquist K., Garces M., Lahr J., Hammond, Power J. and Paskievitch J., 1997. Broadband seismology at the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 1993-1997, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 78, p. 429.
Jousset P., Tjetjep W., Okada H., and Diament M., 1997. Volcanic doming processes from temporal gravity at Mount Merapi (Indonesia) and Mount Usu (Japan). Int. Workshop Merapi Decade II Yogyakarta (Dec. 3-8).
Jousset P. and Okada H., 1997. Microgravity and deformation measurements on Hokkaido volcanoes. Unzen Int. Workshop at Shimabara (May 26-29).
Okada H., Mori H., Nishimura Y., Maekawa T., Suzuki A. and Jousset P., 1997. Volcanic activity at volcanoes in Hokkaido (till July, 1997). Volcanol. Soc. Japan, no 2 (Matsumoto-Japan), 88.
Diament M., Bonvalot S., Jousset P., Deplus C. and Gabalda G., 1997. Microgravity survey on some active volcanoes: Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion), Merapi (Indonesia), Masaya (Nicaragua) and Soufrière (Guadeloupe). Chapman Conf. on Microgal Gravimetry: observations and applications. March 1997.
Luckett R., Baptie B., Stewart R., Neuberg J., Miller A., and J. Latchman, 1997. Broadband seismicity on Soufri\`{ere Hills volcano, Montserrat, EOS, Transactions, AGU.
Clippard J.D., Christensen D.H., Jolly A.D. and Estes S., 1996. Analysis using data from a small emergency network deployed at Akutan volcano, central Aleutian islands, Alaska, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 77, p. 814.1995Jolly A.D., Lahr J.C., McNutt S.R. and Wiemer S., 1996. An evaluation of b-value spatial mapping techniques based on an analysis of seismicity at Mt. Spurr, Alaska and synthetic data, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 77, p. 514.
Jousset P., Diament M., Beauducel F. and Dwipa S., 1996, Microgravity and deformation at Merapi volcano during the 1993-1995 crisis: insight into volcano dynamics. Annual meeting of the Volcanological Society of Japan, November 1996, 2: A64.
Neuberg J., G. Thompson, and R. Luckett, 1996, Models for Strombolian eruptions inferred from broadband data, Annales Geophysicae, Supplement 1 to Vol 14, C281.
McGill R., J. Neuberg, L. Lisapaly, and R.A. Clark, 1996. AVO signature of irregular boundaries, European Assoc. of Exploration Geophysicists, 58th Ann. Mtg., Amsterdam, Holland, Expanded Abstract, P070.
McGill R., J. Neuberg and R.A. Clark, 1996. AVO signature of boundaries with small-scale topographic highs and lows, Soc. of Exploration Geophysicists, 66th Ann. Mtg., Denver, USA.
Mori H., Suzuk, A., and Jousset P., 1996. Crustal deformations after the March 1996 small phreatic eruption of Mt. Hokkaido-Komagatake. Volcanol. Soc. Japan no 2 (Matsumoto-Japan), 77.
Murphy F E, Jacob A W B, and J W Neuberg, 1996, PcP-P travel time anomalies: CMB topography or D" heterogeneity ?, EOS, Transactions, AGU, 77, 46, 680.
O'Mongai, A., J. Neuberg, and F. Murphy, 1996. Mapping D" and the CMB using high resolution seismic reflection data, Annales Geophysicae, Supplement 1 to Vol 14, C39.
O'Mongain A and Neuberg J W, 1996, D" topography: Fact or fiction?, EOS, Transactions, AGU, 77, 46, 679.
Power J.A., Paskievitch J.F., Richter D.H., McGimsey R.G., Stelling P., Jolly A.D. and Fletcher H.J., 1996. 1996 Seismicity and ground deformation at Akutan volcano, Alaska, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 77, p. 514.
Diament M., Jousset P., Deplus C., Duquesnoy T., Beauducel F. and Dwipa S., 1995. Microgravity and elevation studies at Merapi volcano, IUGG, July 3-4, 1995.1994Jousset P., Diament M., Duquesnoy T., Beauducel F. and Dwipa S., 1995. Microgravity and GPS monitoring at Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia - ECGS Walferdange, Luxembourg, Nov. 14-17, 1995.
Jousset P., Diament M., Duquesnoy T., Beauducel F. and Dwipa S., 1995. Gravity, microgravity and GPS monitoring at Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia - Merapi Decade Seminar organized by VSI-UNESCO, Yogyakarta, Oct. 6-9, 1995.
Neuberg J. and G. Thompson, 1995. A model of Strombolian eruptions inferred from seismic broadband data, EOS, Transactions, AGU, 76, 46, 658.
McGill R., J. Neuberg and R.A. Clark, 1995. AVO response of rough boundaries, European Assoc. of Exploration Geophysicists, 57th Ann. Mtg., Glasgow, Scotland, Expanded Abstracts, D009.
Jolly A.D., Lahr J.C., Power J.A., Stihler S.D., Ward P.L. and McNutt S.R., 1994. Velocity models for locations of shallow seismicity along the northeastern portion of the Aleutian Volcanic Arc, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 75, p. 423.1993Neuberg J. and T. Pointer, 1994. Modelling the top of D", IASPEI 1994, Wellington.
Pointer T. and J. Neuberg, 1994. Deconvolution of super-critical P-wave reflections from the lowermost mantle, IASPEI 1994, Wellington.
Power J.A. and A.D. Jolly, 1994. Seismicity at 10 to 45 Km depth associated with the 1992 eruptions of Crater Peak vent, Mount Spurr, Alaska, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 75, p. 715.
Jousset P., Diament M., Deplus C., Dwipa S. and Beauducel F., 1993. Microgravity studies on Merapi volcano (Central Java, Indonesia) - EGS XIX, Grenoble, April 25-26, 1993.1992Neuberg J., Luckett R., Ripepe M. and T. Braun, 1993. Highlights from a seismic broadband array on Stromboli volcano, EOS, Transactions, AGU, 74, 43, 635.
Neuberg J. and T. Pointer, 1993. Modelling the top of D", Terra Nova, EGU IV, abstract supplement, 5, 28
Neuberg J., 1993, Different types of seismo-volcanic events at Stromboli and their relation to source models, ESC, International workshop on : Nonlinear analysis of volcanic tremor, Lanzarote.
Neuberg J., 1993. Is it Vulcanus or Neptune who is growling at Mt Ruapehu, ESC, International workshop on: Nonlinear analysis of volcanic tremor, Lanzarote.
Pointer T. and J. Neuberg, 1993. Analysis of broadband array data to determine the existence and structure of a seismic reflector above the D" layer, Terra Nova, EGU IV, Abstract supplement, 5, 28
Jolly A.D., Power J.A., Page R.A., Lahr J.C. and Stephens C.D., 1992. A comparison of baseline and pre-eruption depths of seismicity at Mount Spurr volcano, south-central Alaska; EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 73, p. 342.1991Power J.A., Jolly A.D., Stihler S.D., Page R.A., Lahr J.C., Stephens C.D., Chouet B.A., McNutt S.R., Davies J.N. and March, G.D., 1992. Precursory seismicity and forecasting of the 1992 eruptions of Mt. Spurr, Alaska, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 73, p. 342.
Jolly A.D., Page R.A., Stephens C.D., Lahr J.C., Power J.A. and Cruse G.R., 1991. Seismicity in the vicinity of Mt. Spurr volcano; south-central Alaska; Based on a revised velocity model, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 72, p. 567.Jolly A.D., Sheriff S.D. and Sears J.W., 1991. Paleomagnetic evidence for thrust sheet rotation along the Rocky Mountain Front: west-central Montana; Geological Society of America-Abstracts with Programs, v. 23, p. 36.
Patrick Smith , Combining magma flow models and seismic signals, M.Res. Dissertation, The University of Leeds, School of Earth & Environment, pp 97, 2006.
David Green , Multi-parameter monitoring and modelling of cyclic volcanic activity, PhD thesis, The University of Leeds, School of Earth & Environment, pp 206, 2005.
Tanya Powell , Characterisation of volcano-seismic events and their relation to volcanic processes in the Montserrat eruption, PhD thesis, The University of Leeds, School of Earth Sciences, pp 199, 2005.
Lindsey Collier , The interaction of gas-charged magma and seismic waves, PhD thesis, The University of Leeds, School of Earth Sciences, pp 175, 2005.
Susan Sturton, Modelling volcanic earthquakes and tremor, PhD thesis, The University of Leeds, School of Earth Sciences, pp 229, 2003.
Colin Storr, Modelling of low-frequency seismic signals associated with volcanic activity, PhD Thesis, The University of Leeds, Department of Applied Mathematics, pp 325, 2003.
Emma Doyle, Characteristics of Low-frequency events on Montserrat, Dissertation MRes, The University of Leeds, School of Earth Sciences & School of the Environment, pp 86, 2003.
Alastair Belson, Analysis of tiltmeter observations on Montserrat, Dissertation MGeophys, The University of Leeds, School of Earth Sciences, pp 97, 2003