Volcanic Studies Group
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Jess Johnson
School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds
LS2 9JT Leeds - U.K.
Pic of Jess

Research topics within VSG

M.Geophys. Project - An investigation into volcanic seismic explosion events at Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat.

    Project Aims:

  • To obtain the seismic records from seismometers around Montserrat during the explosion events of 1997.
  • To use these seismograms to determine the moment tensors and particle motion and put them in a volcanological context.
  • To create a plausible model for the trigger mechanism of the explosions which also agrees with other aspects of the event such as plume height, energy released, event duration, time between events, etc.

Current Study:
  • Fourth (and final) year of MSci Geophys degree at the University of Leeds with last year at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

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