Research topics within VSG
Physical processes in magma & their impact on the seismic wavefield
Trigger mechanisms of low-frequency volcano-seismic events
Other research topics
Modulation of volcanic activity through external mechanisms
FD modelling of seismic wavefields
Kirchhoff synthetics & applications in oil industry
Long-period global phenomena; nutations & earth tides
Co-ordinator of the European project MULTIMO ( see
MULTIMO website ) 'Multidisciplinary monitoring, modelling and forcasting
of volcanic hazard' with nine European partners
Chairman of the Working Group 'Seimic phenomena associated with volcanic
activity' of the European Seismological Commission ( see
ESC website )
Member of the Risk Assessment Panel of HMG for Montserrat
Joint projects with British Geological Survey
Joint project with Prof Steve Sparks, Bristol University, and Barry Voight,
Penn State University
Other activities in the group
...tries to inspire and direct the group, and to keep it financially
Personnal WEB page link
MULTIMO Homepage
VSG Homepage
University personnal
WEB page