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Development of a Geophysical Borehole Observatory

Soufriere Hills volcano in Montserrat is one of the most intensely studied volcanoes in the world. The latest addition to the monitoring equipment surrounding the Soufriere Hills is a predominantly borehole-based system funded by NERC, the European Commission (MULTIMO) and the National Science foundation in the US.

The system will provide data on tilt, strain, broadband seismic signals, gas, infrasound (low frequency acoustic waves) and weather parameters. One of the most important features of the new system is the fact that all parameters will be recorded in compatible data formats with the same time-stamping methods, therefore allowing better resolution of interactions between the different parameters.

It is hoped that the data collected will provide insight into how to better parametrize the physical models suggested for the observed cyclic activity and also the trigger mechanism of Long Period event swarms.